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Text⁄Processing Abstract
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Abstracts from files in info-mac/text as of Sun Dec 26 00:57:51 PST 1993
#### BINHEX alpha-531.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 93 21:55:20 CST
From: pete@cs.rice.edu (Pete)
Subject: Alpha 5.31
Alpha is a flexible, programmable text editor that is based on the Tool
Command Language (TCL) extension language.
Version 5.31 is a maintenance release.
Version 5.3 of the Alpha text editor contains the following new features:
- New 'electricAlias' template package.
- Greatly expanded LaTeX mode.
- Iconifiable windows.
- Better XTCL support, Think C examples.
- Support for 411 and compiling w/ MPW.
- Support for stationary files.
- The usual one or two bug fixes.
Old features:
- complete programming language (Tcl)
- first-class functions
- conditionals, iterations
- lists
- function tracing
- external code module support
- over 2000 lines of sample Tcl source
- user-definable hiearchical menus
- 'dosc' apple event support.
- MPW "shell" via the ToolServer
- mapping of any function (over 150 available)
or macro to any key combination
- rudimentary command-line "shell", including "ls", "cd", "mv",
"rm", as well as interface which allows other commands to be
added by the user.
- can be customized extensively (can be configured
as a coke-bottle emacs)
- multi-file searching
- unlimited undo/redo
- full regular expression (GREP) searching and replacing
(including alternation)
- extensive online help
- rectangular editing
- 7.0 friendly, supports AppleEvents
- temporary memory support
- anonymous keyboard macros
- configurable popup function and LaTeX section menus
- electric braces and semicolons
- window tiling
- unlimited named markers and buffers
- mark stack
- 'C' programming templates
- word wrap to window or 'fillColumn'
- continuous row/col display
- saving of backups to a different directory
- user-definable "modes", providing special functionality
or configurations based on file suffixes.
- any font/size
- support for international keyboards
- reads and writes Unix and IBM file formats
- saves window positions, selection
- and Many, Many, More...
ALPHA is shareware and has a fee of $25. (Still!)
Pete Keleher pete@rice.edu
Peter Keleher
P.O. Box #1892
Department of Computer Science
Rice University
Houston, Texas 77251-1892
Alpha requires at least system 7.0 in order to run.
#### BINHEX alpha-558.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 93 11:01:43 CST
From: pete@cs.rice.edu (Pete Keleher)
Subject: Alpha 5.58
Alpha is a flexible, programmable text editor based on Dr. Ousterhout's
Tool Command Language (TCL), with special features for programmers and
TeX/LaTeX users.
Version 5.58 contains the following features:
- Extensive support for Think C++'s external editor interface.
- Spellchecking via Excalibur
- Limited interaction with Latex applications, such as Textures.
- complete programming language (Tcl)
- first-class functions
- conditionals, iterations
- lists
- function tracing
- external code module support
- over 2000 lines of sample Tcl source
- user-definable hiearchical menus
- mapping of any function or macro to any key combination
- unlimited undo/redo
- 'dosc' apple event support.
- MPW "shell" via the ToolServer
- 'electricAlias' template package.
- Extensive LaTeX mode.
- Iconifiable windows.
- External code (XTCL) support, Think C examples.
- Support for 411 and compiling w/ MPW.
- Support for stationary files.
- rudimentary command-line "shell", including "ls", "cd", "mv",
"rm", as well as interface which allows other commands to be
added by the user.
- can be customized extensively (can be configured
as a coke-bottle emacs)
- multi-file searching
- full regular expression (GREP) searching and replacing
(including alternation)
- extensive online help
- rectangular editing
- 7.0 friendly, supports AppleEvents
- temporary memory support
- anonymous keyboard macros
- configurable popup function and LaTeX section menus
- electric braces and semicolons
- window tiling
- unlimited named markers and buffers
- mark stack
- 'C' programming templates
- word wrap to window or 'fillColumn'
- continuous row/col display
- saving of backups to a different directory
- user-definable "modes", providing special functionality
or configurations based on file suffixes.
- any font/size
- support for international keyboards
- reads and writes Unix and IBM file formats
- saves window positions, selection
- and Much, Much, More...
ALPHA is shareware and has a fee of $25. (Still!)
Pete Keleher pete@cs.rice.edu
Peter Keleher
1658 Bonnie Brae #2
Houston, Texas 77006
Alpha requires at least system 7.0 and a 68020 in order to run.
#### BINHEX alpha-563.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 14:22:16 CST
From: pete@cs.rice.edu (Pete)
Subject: Alpha 5.63
Alpha is a flexible, programmable text editor based on Dr. Ousterhout's
Tool Command Language (TCL), with special features for programmers and
TeX/LaTeX users.
Version 5.63 contains the following features:
- Extensive support for Think C++'s external editor interface.
- Spellchecking via Excalibur
- Limited interaction with Latex applications, such as Textures.
- complete programming language (Tcl)
- first-class functions
- conditionals, iterations
- lists
- function tracing
- external code module support
- over 2000 lines of sample Tcl source
- user-definable hiearchical menus
- mapping of any function or macro to any key combination
- unlimited undo/redo
- 'dosc' apple event support.
- MPW "shell" via the ToolServer
- 'electricAlias' template package.
- Extensive LaTeX mode.
- Iconifiable windows.
- External code (XTCL) support, Think C examples.
- Support for 411 and compiling w/ MPW.
- Support for stationary files.
- rudimentary command-line "shell", including "ls", "cd", "mv",
"rm", as well as interface which allows other commands to be
added by the user.
- can be customized extensively (can be configured
as a coke-bottle emacs)
- multi-file searching
- full regular expression (GREP) searching and replacing
(including alternation)
- extensive online help
- rectangular editing
- 7.0 friendly, supports AppleEvents
- temporary memory support
- anonymous keyboard macros
- configurable popup function and LaTeX section menus
- electric braces and semicolons
- window tiling
- unlimited named markers and buffers
- mark stack
- 'C' programming templates
- word wrap to window or 'fillColumn'
- continuous row/col display
- saving of backups to a different directory
- user-definable "modes", providing special functionality
or configurations based on file suffixes.
- any font/size
- support for international keyboards
- reads and writes Unix and IBM file formats
- saves window positions, selection
- and Much, Much, More...
ALPHA is shareware and has a fee of $25. (Still!)
Pete Keleher pete@cs.rice.edu
Peter Keleher
1658 Bonnie Brae #2
Houston, Texas 77006
Alpha requires at least system 7.0 in order to run.
#### BINHEX archivist-41-example-binder.hqx ****
From JRobert.Thibault%FORESTERIE%ULAVAL@CAMPUS.ULAVAL.CA Thu Sep 2 17:25:23 1993
Date: Mon, 22 May 05 13:35:44 HNE
Subject: About Archivist 4.1
Hello Gordon
I just sent a memo to Mr. Terrence Phillips about his problem launching the SEA
application on his Centris 650. My best bet is that he does not have the
HyperCard 2.1 program on one of his drives.
Just to experiment the ease of use and the power of the Archivist, I attached
to this memo an Archivist file named Digest # 161 to 174 thus containing more
than a dozen of this goodies I receive each day. Just imagine a full month or a
full year of the Digest in a single Archivist file. Looking for something is
quite simple.
I would like your comments on this and maybe include this file in the billboard
just to give an idea of what an electronic binder can look like. You can change
the name of the binder if you decide to put it into the SUMEX billboard.
J.-Robert Thibault
***** ATTACHMENT: DIGEST # 161 to 174.sea.Hqx *****
#### BINHEX archivist-41-readme.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 22 May 05 16:35:44 EST
Subject: Archivist 4.1 infos
This is a small package containing a read-me file about The Archivist 4.1
***** ATTACHMENT: Archivist 4.1 Infos.Hqx *****
#### BINHEX archivist-41.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 22 May 05 16:35:44 EST
Subject: Archivist 4.1 upload
Second upload following a local power failure!
Hello Gordon
Please find inclosed with this memo, Archivist version 4.1
Version 4.0, which have been uploaded last week, still contained a dialog in
French and part of the interface was also in French.
Version 4.1 is in full English and a bit quicker. Could you rename the Help
file 4.0 to Archivist 4.1 infos. This last file is already in the directory.
The Archivist is in continuous development so you can expect new versions in
the future.
Many thanks.
J.-Robert Thibault
***** ATTACHMENT: Archivist 4.1.sea.Hqx *****
#### BINHEX archivist-info-41.hqx ****
***** ATTACHMENT: Archivist 4.0 Infos.Hqx *****
#### BINHEX ars-magna-II.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1993 11:47:34 -0800
From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matthew Xavier Mora)
Subject: Ars Magna II
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Enclosed is a new version of Ars Magna called Ars Magna II. I recomplied
Mike Morton's ars.c code to use think's console library. This makes it a
little more compatible but its still just a C program with command line
I gave it a new signature and icon to keep it separate for the other version.
I did this because someone here needed to use ars magna and the old version
would trash his screen. Hopefully some one will give it a good interface
and make it a real mac program. I just don't have the time.
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Ars_Magna_II.sea"
#### BINHEX ascii-from-mac-progs.hqx ****
From: rosenberg@po.MIT.EDU
Subject: ASCII images of formatted pages (C)
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 93 18:36:51 EST
A thread dealing with producing a formatted TEXT file from
(arbitrary) Macintosh programs appeared in some recent issues of
Info-Mac Digest. The messages making up this thread had the titles:
"ASCII images of formatted pages",
"Document formatting query",
"Problems Producing RFCs",
"Problems producing RFDs (c)",
"Printing to ASCII files"
"RFC Text formatting", and
"WANT Word output to Internet ASCII".
The attached binhexed self-expanding archive contains:
1. "RFC Format dialog" which is a chronology of all the messages
(that I've seen) from the thread (including both those posted to
Info-Mac Digest and those sent directly to me), and my comments
and suggestions based on that discussion. Basically, I recommend
the creation of a new Print2Pict extension (which I call the
"ASCII Page Image" extension) and I propose some specifications
for its operation.
2. a copy of the text version of RFC 1111 as FTPed from NIC.DDN.MIL.
3. a copy of RFC 1111 as edited (by me) to make it a Microsoft Word
/David M. Rosenberg (Internet: rosenberg@mit.edu,
MIT Phone: 617-253-8054, Home Phone: 508-528-7124)
#### BINHEX bbedit-25-to-252-updt.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 08:17:46 -0400
From: bbedit@world.std.com (Bare-Bones Software)
Subject: BBEdit Updater: 2.5 to 2.5.2 -repost-
Same here (I don't know what happened; the copy I uploaded was good,
but it got smashed in transit).
[Previous announcement]
The attached BinHex file contains a StuffIt Deluxe archive which in
turn contains an updater which will update the original 2.5 release of
BBEdit into the current 2.5.2 revision. (If you have version 2.5.1, do
not use this updater; a separate one is being posted).
This updater is also available for anonymous FTP from world.std.com,
as /ftp/pub/bbedit/bbedit-25-to-252-update.hqx.
The updater cannot be used to turn a demo, freeware, or beta version
of BBEdit into the current 2.5.2 release.
Thanks for your continued support of BBEdit.
Bare-Bones Software Internet: bbedit@world.std.com
Rich Siegel Patrick Woolsey
Principal Software Designer Director of
Quality Assurance
#### BINHEX bbedit-251-to-252-updt.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 08:08:19 -0400
From: bbedit@world.std.com (Bare-Bones Software)
Subject: BBEdit Updater: 2.5.1 to 2.5.2 -repost-
The previously submitted BinHex of this 2.5.2 to 2.5.2 updater
was somehow smashed during upload; here is a corrected copy.
(If it's not too much trouble, please substitute the abstract
from the previous posting - thanks).
[How can I refuse when someone says "thanks?" -- isl]
The attached BinHex file contains a StuffIt Deluxe archive which in
turn contains an updater which will update the 2.5.1 release of BBEdit
into the current 2.5.2 revision. (If you have the original 2.5
release, do not use this updater; a separate one is being posted).
This updater is also available for anonymous FTP from world.std.com,
as /ftp/pub/bbedit/bbedit-251-to-252-update.hqx.
The updater cannot be used to turn a demo, freeware, or beta version
of BBEdit into the current 2.5.2 release.
Thanks for your continued support of BBEdit.
Bare-Bones Software Internet: bbedit@world.std.com
Rich Siegel Patrick Woolsey
Principal Software Designer Director of Quality Assurance
#### BINHEX bbedit-252-demo.hqx ****
From: bbedit@world.std.com (Bare-Bones Software)
Subject: BBEdit 2.5.2 Demo
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1993 23:29:57 -0400 (EDT)
The attached StuffIt Deluxe archive contains a demo version of the
latest maintenance release of BBEdit 2.5, the popular text editor
for use by programmers, on-line service users, and anyone else who
needs to search and edit plain text files.
This demo version gives potential users the ability to evaluate
BBEdit's capabilities, including THINK C/Symantec C++ 6.0 support, MPW
ToolServer support, integrated translation of foreign file formats via
the Claris XTND system, disk directory browsers, and more.
The demo package is also available for anonymous FTP from world.std.com,
in /ftp/pub/bbedit/bbedit-25-demo.hqx.
Bare-Bones Software Internet: bbedit@world.std.com
Rich Siegel Patrick Woolsey
Principal Software Designer Director of Quality Assurance
#### BINHEX bbedit-252-to-253-updt.hqx ****
From: bbedit@world.std.com (Bare-Bones Software)
Subject: BBEdit 2.5.2->2.5.3 Updater
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1993 01:21:44 -0400 (EDT)
The recently released 2.5.2 maintenance version of BBEdit has a bug in
it which renders it incapable of working with THINK C projects for
browsing and searching. This bug was the result of a source-management
problem (i.e. a screwup on my part) when creating the shipping build.
The bug is nondestructive; BBEdit will not crash due to it, and no
data will be lost or corrupted.
The symptoms are that garbage is displayed in the project browser
window when opening a file, and attempts to search THINK C projects
will result in numerous file system error messages.
This bug does not affect any other part of BBEdit's functionality, and
specifically does not affect BBEdit's ability to function as the
external editor for THINK C/Symantec C++ 6.0.
If you have previously updated your 2.5 or 2.5.1 version to 2.5.2,
the attached updater will turn your 2.5.2 version into 2.5.3.
If you recently received a finished-goods BBEdit package with 2.5.2 on
the distribution disk, we will automatically send you an updater disk,
and it should arrive by the end of next week (at the latest). You can
make use of the attached updater if you don't wish to wait for the
floppy to arrive.
This updater is also available immediately for anonymous FTP from
world.std.com, in /ftp/pub/bbedit.
We at Bare-Bones Software regret any inconvenience this bug may have
caused, and we appreciate your continued support and consideration.
Archive Maintainers: this updater does -not- replace any other BBEdit
Rich Siegel
Proprietor & Principal Software Architect
Bare-Bones Software
Internet: bbedit@world.std.com
CIS: 73051,3255
#### BINHEX bbedit-bbxkeys.hqx ****
From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie R. McCarthy)
Subject: BBXKeys 1.0
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 93 1:45:30 EST
BBXKeys is a BBEdit extension that assigns command keys to other
extensions. In the spirit of all BBEdit extensions to date, it's
freeware, and full source (all 10K of it) is included.
Jamie McCarthy Internet: k044477@kzoo.edu AppleLink: j.mccarthy
#### BINHEX bbedit-c-indent.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1993 08:51:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Stephen Roderick <roderis@atlantis.CS.ORST.EDU>
Subject: BBEdit-C-Indent-ext.hqx
"C Indentation" is a BBEdit extension that will indent C source code.
If there is a selection in the current document it will be indented,
otherwise the entire document will be indented.
The "C Indentation" extension for BBEdit is free of charge. This software is
offered on an as is basis and no liability or responsibility on the part of
Stephen C. Roderick should be assumed. Use this extension at your own risk.
Stephen C. Roderick
#### BINHEX bbedit-change-charset.hqx ****
From "sti@cs.hut.fi (Sami-Jaakko Tikka)" Sun Aug 22 21:58:05 1993
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1993 01:45:18 +0200
From: sti@cs.hut.fi (Sami-Jaakko Tikka)
Subject: Change Charset, a BBEdit external
This is my first posting of Macintosh software. I hope everything that is
required is here...
Change Charset is an BBEdit external which allows one to convert characters
from/to the Macintosh charset to/from ISO-Latin-1 and to/from 7-bit
Scandinavian (which is still largely used in Scandinavian unix machines!).
This probably makes Change Charset interesting for Europeans only. Still,
it never hurts to remind the English-speaking ASCII-world that there are
languages which DO need more than 7-bit characters ;-)
The conversion can be done in place, to a new window or the converted text
can be copied to the clipboard. If there's a selection, Change Charset
will act on the selection, otherwise it will process the whole window.
This program can be freely copied for non-commercial purposes.
I can be reached by email at Sami.Tikka@hut.fi
inet: Sami.Tikka@hut.fi, X.400: C=fi;ADMD=fumail;O=hut;S=Tikka;G=Sami
HUT/IIA; I don't speak for my employer. Finger me for my PGP key.
#### BINHEX bbedit-dcl-ansi.hqx ****
From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie R. McCarthy)
Subject: dcl-ANSI (BBEdit extension)
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 93 0:46:28 EDT
This is the BBEdit extension edition of dcl-ANSI; included is the
extension itself and a readme. Public domain; source code is available
separately. dcl-ANSI converts a C variable declaration into English.
Suggested archive destination: ...app/bbedit-dcl-ansi.hqx
#### BINHEX bbedit-drieux-caps.hqx ****
From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie R. McCarthy)
Subject: drieuxCaps
Date: Wed, 5 May 93 19:51:27 EDT
drieuxCaps, the BBEdit extension for the rest of us.
now you too Can format Your usenet Articles The Same Way drieux does!
automatically! Avoid the evil KKKconspiracies and the Insidious
Heterosexular Humanists With This convenient Editing Tool. and who
knows, maybe you'll become A net.God Yourself!
(If you don't get the joke, don't bother downloading it.)
Public domain. Source code, inexplicably, is included.
Jamie McCarthy Internet: k044477@kzoo.edu AppleLink: j.mccarthy
#### BINHEX bbedit-ext-dev-kit.hqx ****
From: bbedit@world.std.com (Bare-Bones Software)
Subject: BBEdit Extension Development Kit
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1993 12:03:29 -0400 (EDT)
The attached BinHex file is a StuffIt Deluxe archive containing the materials
necessary to write extensions for BBEdit or BBEdit Lite. (If you have BBEdit
2.5, this information is already included in the package.)
This package is available immediately for anonymous FTP from world.std.com,
in /ftp/pub/bbedit.
[Archive moderators: I'm using the name "bbedit-ext-dev-kit.hqx" for this
package; it's just a suggestion...]
Bare-Bones Software bbedit@world.std.com
Rich Siegel Principal Software Designer
Patrick Woolsey Director of Quality Assurance
#### BINHEX bbedit-extension-send-ps.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 25 May 1993 09:53:09 -0400
From: bbedit@world.std.com (BBEdit Support)
Subject: "Send PostScript" Extension (attachment)
The extension and a descriptive text file are included in the archive.
This extension is compatible with BBEdit 2.2, BBEdit Lite, and BBEdit 2.5.
BBEdit Support bbedit@world.std.com
Rich Siegel Principal Software Designer
Patrick Woolsey Director of Quality Assurance
Here it is...
#### BINHEX bbedit-html-ext-b2.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1993 11:33:00 +0000
From: bellverc@pereiii.uji.es
Subject: BBEdit HTML extensions beta 2
Release beta 2 of BBEdit HTML extensions corrects some bugs reported by
Kevin Altis <kevin@scic.intel.com> and Jek Kian Jin <kianjin@ncb.gov.sg>
(many thanks).
Fixed features are:
- the comment extension now puts a --> at the end of
commented line, not just >
- the header extension closes headers withn </Hn>, not </H>
And a new feature:
- the specials translation extension now gives you two choices:
translating eight bit characters and/or "special" characters
(<, >, &, and ") that must be quoted. Please note that you
should translate these special characters *before* inserting
any HTML tag that uses them.
Carles Bellver <bellverc@si.uji.es>
Universitat Jaume I Web Gang
#### BINHEX bbedit-import-10.hqx ****
From: piovanel@dsi.unimi.it
Subject: BBEdit-Import-10.hqx
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 93 12:39:00 METDST
Organization: Merzstuecke
This is BBEdit-Import-1.0, an extension for BBEdit Lite that lets
you import word processor files into BBEdit Lite using the Claris
XTND System and the appropriate translators.
BBEdit-Import-1.0 needs System 7.0 or better to run.
Suggested placement in the info-mac hierarchy: info-mac/text
This archive was stuffed and binhexed with StuffIt Lite 3.0.5
#### BINHEX bbedit-isis-note-sender.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1993 22:48:27 -0800
From: isis@netcom.com (Mike Cohen)
Subject: BBEdit Send Note extension
Here's a "plug-ware" contribution. This is a BBEdit extension to send a
note using our ISIS Notes product. It includes source code demonstrating
how to use AppleEvents and a readme file.
Mike Cohen | "Software that means business"
ISIS International |
(818) 788-4747 Voice | isis@netcom.com
(818) 501-0653 Fax | mikec20@aol.com
#### BINHEX bbedit-lite-231.hqx ****
From "bbedit@world.std.com (Bare-Bones Software)" Mon Sep 6 01:08:06 1993
From: bbedit@world.std.com (Bare-Bones Software)
Subject: BBEdit Lite 2.3.1 Package (repost)
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1993 13:35:10 -0400 (EDT)
The attached BinHex file contains a StuffIt archive of BBEdit Lite 2.3.1.
This archive contains the same software as the previously posted package,
but contains updated ordering information, and details about the new
$29 student pricing for the upgrade to BBEdit 2.5.
This package is available immediately for anonymous FTP from world.std.com
in /ftp/pub/bbedit.
This package also supersedes any previously existing BBEdit Lite package,
as well as any previously extant BBEdit 2.2.x package.
Bare-Bones Software bbedit@world.std.com
Rich Siegel Principal Software Designer
Patrick Woolsey Director of Quality Assurance
#### BINHEX bbedit-prefix-suffix-lines.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 93 20:05:13 -0400
From: Benjamin Griffin <bgriffin@libserv1.ic.sunysb.edu>
Subject: info-mac/app
This is the source, project and compiled extension for a modified
version of the orginal BBEdit "Prefix/Suffix Lines" extension.
The primary added functionality is to allow simultaneous or
independent insertions of distinct prefix and suffix strings --
such as one would want to block comment out program code.
Provided 100% Free of Charge. Author assumes no responsibility
for text mangled with this extension. See source for bug list.
Benjamin "Eli-the-Bearded" Griffin | bgriffin@ic.sunysb.edu
#### BINHEX bbedit-rot13.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 93 18:48 PST
Subject: ROT13 BBEdit Extension
From: Daryl_Spitzer@mindlink.bc.ca (Daryl Spitzer)
This is an extension to BBEdit I've written that will ROT13
the selected text. I've included the source.
#### BINHEX bbedit-send-script-101.hqx ****
From: edw@distant.uucp (Ed Watkeys)
Subject: Send Script 1.0.1
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 93 15:04:04 EST
Organization: Distant Software
Send Script 1.0.1 -- Extension for BBEdit 2.2 or Later
Send Script allows one to create and send scripts from BBEdit to any
Apple event-aware application which supports the do-script event.
Changes from version 1.0: bug fixes.
In order to keep the package as small as possible, the source code is
not included. However, if you would like it, simply send a message to
sendscript-source@distant.uucp, and the THINK C 5.0 source code will
be automatically sent to you.
Send Script is freeware. However, if you'd like to send me money, I
won't complain.
Ed Watkeys (edw@distant.uucp or edw%distant@bts.com)
#### BINHEX bbedit-sort-10.hqx ****
From: Carl Bryan Burch <carl@constellation.ecn.uoknor.edu>
Subject: bbedit-sort-10.hqx
Date: Wed, 19 May 1993 19:53:54 -0500 (CDT)
Sort Lines (version 1.0, (c)1993, Carl B. Burch)
This BBEdit extension adds to BBEdit the ability to sort lines, much
like the Unix utility "sort", with some options from "sort":
* Ignoring each line's first n characters,
* Sorting in reverse,
* Removing duplicate lines,
* Ignoring the lines' leading white space, and
* Folding uppercase to lowercase.
This program is free and may be distributed freely provided that the
information file accompanies it.
#### BINHEX bbedit-space-tab-extensions.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1993 15:35:07 -0800
From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matthew Xavier Mora)
Subject: BBEdit Extensions (Insert Column & Spaces to Tabs)
This is an update to the two extensions that I posted earlier.
(a bug in Spaces to tabs)
Please replace the ones in the archives with this file. I'm including sources
for the two extensions also.
In keeping with the other extensions, these are freeware so enjoy.
Here are two extensions for BBEdit that I needed for processing some
mainframe data for importing into a database.
"Insert Column" puts a tab at the current insertion point in every line of the
"Spaces to tabs" replaces all spaces with a tab character.
I don't know where to send the source to, so I just upload these as is.
After being spoiled by using McSink, I won't be truly happy with bbedit
until it contains all the features of Mcsink. :-)
Two down, two dozen more to go...
Matthew Xavier Mora
Matthew Xavier Mora The keeper of the UMPG
SRI International Matt_Mora@QM.sri.com
[Sent using Eudora 1.3] mxmora@unix.sri.com
#### BINHEX bbedit-speaking-121.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1993 19:25:14 -0500
From: markf@POST.queensu.ca (Mark Fleming)
Subject: Re: BBEdit extension Speaking & it's problems
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
encloses if Version 1.21.
Revisions 1.2.1:
* Change all NewHandle() calls to use BBEdit's callback-Allocate() calls.
* Free memory allocated when error occures when unable to allocating
speech channel.
* #ifdef StackDebug code to check stack space problem (OS Error 28).
>I can't get your Speaking BBEdit to work with BBEdit Lite 2.3.1.
I have fix the problems with error code -244 - voice not available
(I now use the 1st voice if female voice is not available).
error code -240 is just that Speech manager is not installed or you have
not restarted since you installed it.
error code -241 is synth can't open up for some reason - memory?
NOTE: I have been unable to fix the following problems:
1) Due to some unknow reason the sound manger requires more stack space
than is available with BBEdit This causes system crashes with error ID 28 -
stack has entered the application heap.
Results of my debugging last night:
- initial stack space is around 23,000 bytes when the module is first called,
- as text to sound is initially being processed the stack space goes down
to less then 4000 bytes,
(monitored via Speech Manager's Word callback routine).
- once the sound is playing the stack space goes back up to 23,000 bytes,
if it gets that far.
(My guess is Async interrupt routine used by speech manager is using
lot's of stack space).
As a result, I don't know if I will be able to fix it, does anyone know how
to fix it?
2) The callback routine that allows me to hilight the word currently being
spoken does not update the screen if it has to scroll the text into the
window. The only way I was able to force an update is to do a cut/paste
operation to the file!
I have try it with BBEdit V2.2.1 and BBEdit Lite V2.3.1 same bugs on LC
III's (System 7.1, 12M RAM) and Macintosh IIci (System 7.0.1, 8M ram).
The Centris 650 (System 7.1 + AppleScript, 24M RAM) - Stack bug does not
show up on the Centris 650 but the usage is still high and dangerlessly
I will try to find time to create a TeachText type XTND capable program for
speaking word processing files in the next few weeks. If you know how to
fix the program, let me know, I have included the source code with some
#ifdef around stack debugging code. Enclosed is v1.21.
>How do you install it?
You place the file "Speaking" into the BBEDit extension folder and restart
BBEdit, the modules names will appear under the "Extensions" menu in
> Do you paste the resources into the application with ResEdit?
no... no resEdit is not needed.
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="SpeakingBBEdit.sit"
#### BINHEX bbedit-speech.hqx ****
From "markf@POST.queensu.ca (Mark Fleming)" Sun Sep 12 22:08:53 1993
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1993 17:35:50 -0500
From: markf@POST.queensu.ca (Mark Fleming)
Subject: New BBEdit Extensions for Speech Manager
Two new BBEdit Extensions for speaking the selected text using Apple new
Speach Manager.
I was thing about writting a XTND capable speaking program, to allow
speaking of any word processing file, but no need since BBEdit is such a
Hence, Speak Sentences and Speaking my first BBEdit module.
1) Speak Sentences
Simple extension that use Apple's new speach manager to 'Talk' the
selected text.
2) Speaking
An extensiont that use Apple's new speach manager to 'Talk' the
selected text.
The use is presented with a dialog box with some limited control over how
text is spoken.
* You can ask it to spell the text or speak the text.
* You can use the Talk, Stop, Pause, and Continue buttons to control and
replay the text.
* The exit button is used to return to BBEdit.
As time permits I will add the 'standard missing features' selecting voice,
rate and pitch.
Mark Fleming
Copyright (c) 1993, All Rights Reserved.
<<<<<=- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =- =-=-=->>>>
Mark Fleming, Computing & Communications Services
Queen's University at Kingston Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6
E-mail: markf@post.queensu.ca AppleLink: CDA0448
Phone: (613) 545-2039 Fax: (613) 545-6798
** The Author of NetDoctor, A Lab and Network Maintainer Package **
#### BINHEX bbedit-word-count.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1992 12:02:06 -0500
From: Kamal Abdali <kabdali@nsf.gov>
Subject: wordcount.sit.hqx - a BBEdit extension
Below is Word Count, an extension to BBEdit in stuffed, binhexed
format for distribtion to ftp archive sites. It is offered as free
software on as is basis.
Word Count displays the number of paragraphs, sentences, nonblank
lines, words and characters in the current selection in the active BBEdit
window. If the current selection is null, the counts are for
the entire file.
I like BBEdit's capabilities and interface very much, and appreciate
it that such a superb program is available without charge. Word Count
is my small contribution in return for my free use of BBEdit.
Kamal Abdali
P.O. Box 65207
Washington, DC 20035-5207
-------------- CUT HERE for wordcount.sit.hqx -----------------
#### BINHEX beach-text.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1993 0:30:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: SAKIMURA@vaxr.sscl.uwo.ca (Natsu Sakimura)
Subject: Submission of BeachText
Dear Moderator:
Attached please find the BinHexed CompactPro archive of
Natsu Sakimura
What is BeachText?
BeachText is a DA TextEditor which allows to create and edit the
TeachText file with picture easily. It also allows egrep etc.
It can also deal with Japanese, and create a text file longer
than 32k.
Documentation is in Japanese only, but for most part, the operation
of the BeachText should be quite straight forward. At least,
I have never read them but I had no trouble^_^
This is freeware and is free to redistribute as long as you
keep all the file together and intact, and you don't make
any profit out of it.
Please note that I am not the author but just a content user.
Natsu Sakimura
#### BINHEX bilbiography-manager-ii-20.hqx ****
From: dtremmel@acpub.duke.edu
Subject: BibliographyManII_2.0
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1993 14:32:45 -0500
Bibliography Manager II is a HyperCard application that was created to
help researchers and authors keep track of and store information about
bibliographic references, and to produce Bibliography or Literature Cited
sections for papers. This version (2.0) requires HyperCard v. 2.1 to run,
and is shareware.
The reference card for each bibliographic entry has separate fields
for Author, Date, Title, Source, Volume, Pages, Keywords, and Notes, along
with places to indicate whether you have a copy of the item and how it is
filed. You can do "quick searches" for text in individual fields, or use
HyperCard's card marking abilities to identify and work with only a subset
of the entries in the stack. You can also create and save custom text
import and export formats, so that you can import references from text
files of varying formats, and can create custom bibliography lists to match
the format required by your professor or publisher. The program can also
store a list of abbreviations for journal names that is cross-referenced to
the names on the reference cards, allowing you to use either full names or
abbreviations when you create bibliography lists. You can create as many
different bibliography stacks as you wish, and exchange bibliographic
entries, import and export formats, and journal abbreviation lists among
them. There is also an on-line help facility.
Since I designed this stack for myself and my colleagues in science,
and am not familiar with all the protocols for literature cataloging and
referencing in other areas of study, it may not suit everyone's purpose,
but I hope that it can be a useful tool for those who want to keep track of
literature references and who need to create reference lists when they
write papers.
David Tremmel
901 Chalk Level Rd., Apt. T-14
Durham, NC 27704
#### BINHEX button-pad.hqx ****
From: macmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (Info-Mac Moderator)
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1992 10:03:15 PDT
"ButtonPad is an improved version of the NotePad desk accessory that comes
with the Macintosh. ButtonPad lets you categorize your notes into up to
eight separate "Quick Access" pads that can be quickly accessed via push
buttons. Each pad can be up to 32K in size. This makes ButtonPad ideal
for storage of text that is frequently accessed such as telephone numbers,
customer information, etc. The quick access push buttons augment the
normal open, select, close dialog procedures. You may assign your own
labels to each push button and the name of the pad file to be retrieved.
The pads are automatically saved if modified. In addition to the quick
access pads, you may also access any text file via the normal open command.
There is a find command to access specific information, a variable line
sort command, and tools for cleaning up text files such as replacing spaces
with tabs. ButtonPad will also dial the phone via tones or modem for phone
numbers found in the current line. You can print out your pads, adjusted
to fit pocket organizers. ButtonPad is a cross between standard notepad,
minieditor, and telephone dialer/index card type applications."
Jerry Wilcox iscjcw@uccvma.ucop.edu
#### BINHEX chinese-collection-hc.hqx ****
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: No Subject!
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 93 7:42:52 PST
id MAA18192 for <info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>; Fri, 17 Dec 1993 12:46:43
Received: by sol1.lrsm.upenn.edu
id AA00777; Fri, 17 Dec 93 12:46:39 EST
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 93 12:46:39 EST
From: wang@sol1.lrsm.upenn.edu (Huangxin Wang)
Posted-Date: Fri, 17 Dec 93 12:46:39 EST
Message-Id: <9312171746.AA00777@sol1.lrsm.upenn.edu>
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: ChineseCollection.sea.hqx
This is a collection Chinese literature works. It is also a set of HyperCard
stacks for you to organize, edit-view, or get to a particular entry very
easily, or let you show off to your friends of this great Chinese treasure :-)
These 20 or more stacks contain the poems or posting
from recent postings on "Chinese Poem Exchange and Discussion List"
(CHPOEM-L@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu), or from various collection.
The basic thing these stacks can do is to edit, input - output text file,
dump the while stack as text file (which can be read in to rebuild
the entire stack. or read by PC users), and indexing. i.e.,
(1) edit Chinese text;
(2) output it a text file, for you to post or used as backup, or in my
favorate way: let it scroll on the screen when the Mac is idling (by
AfterDark Scroll module).
(3) read in a text file.
(4) Create index for the whole collection, thus you can jump to a
particular poem just by a click.
(5) If I add more feature in the future version of this stack, you can
dump out your old collection into text, then read it back it into a new
stack template to rebuild a new collection.
etc. (see the ChineseCollection.readme file for detail.)
You should have the Chinese System or Chinese Script installed in your
Macintosh to use this stack.
Huangxin Wang ~{Muh+vN~}, University of Pennsylvania
#### BINHEX dales-nissus-macros-12.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 21 May 1993 00:34:57 -0500 (EST)
From: DSOUTH@uoft02.utoledo.edu
Subject: Nisus PostScript Macros 1.2
Dale's PostScript Macros for Nisus version 1.2
(replaces ver. 1.1.1)
Here is version 1.2 of my PostScript Macros for Nisus. The
macros implement postscript "backdrops" consisting of 72 or 100-point
type printed diagonally in light grey over the document. The macros
can be used to print backdrop text on just the first page or on
mulitple pages in a document. More than one backdrop can
be used in the same document. Macros for printing "PRELIMINARY",
"CONIFIDENTIAL", "REVISED" (with date & time), or any dialog-input
string are provided, along with a macro to remove all PostScript
code from a document.
There is also a new PS macro designed to create borders for slides
or overheads produced in Nisus. The borders contain the presentation
title, author's name, and date/company.
I also included the "raw" PostScript code for those that do not own
Nisus but still wish to insert backdrops or overhead frames. Most word
processors can use the PostScript Escape font to insert the PS code.
Archive contains the required PostScript Escape font.
Version history:
1.2: Rewrote all the backdrop macros to make them easier to localize for
paper other than US letter. It is also easier to change fonts etc.
without having to rework the macro (i.e. things should still be
centered if you change point sizes or font types).
Added a new macro (RRect frame) that places a rounded rectangle border
complete with the presentation title, author's name, and date/company.
This macro is designed to be used in landscape mode to create slides or
overheads for presentations.
Included text versions of the PS code for PS hackers or those that do
not own Nisus.
1.1.1: Put terse option back onto Remove psBackdrops (accidently removed in
version 1.1) so macro doesn't abort. Sorry for the slip-up.
1.1: Made it easier to modify the text printed by the macros and improved
the centering of dialog-entered text.
1.0: Initial release
I am still working on a way to get rid of the wasted "white space"
that the invisible PS code leaves in Nisus.
Dale Southard
-------------------- CUT HERE --------------------
#### BINHEX data-man-202.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 93 16:31:56 -0500
From: andrewt@cs.wisc.edu (Andrewt Thomas-Cramer)
Subject: dataman.2.0.2.hqx, a wonderful utility
Many times you can use the find-and-replace function of your software
to make your changes. But sometimes your changes -- even though similar --
cannot be expressed as "find this, replace that." Sometimes what you replace
depends on what you find. Sometimes you want to do other things than
replace, other things than find. And sometimes you have to make the same
changes to many documents.
You can give DataMan instructions in any order. The instructions are
familiar dialog-like objects that scroll in a window; they can be saved
between sessions so that you never have to enter them again. And you can
create menu items for these scripts of instructions, with keyboard shortcuts.
Need to change all-uppercase to uppercase-and-lowercase often? Press
command-0 for Smart Lowercase, one of several dozen pre-written scripts
accompanying the application.
One strength of DataMan is symbolization. You can describe text using
symbols, just like you can use the symbol ^p for carriage return in other
software. Only DataMan understands many, many more symbols -- both specific
like ^p, and wild-cards like ^aPrice, which matches any price. You can
redefine wild-cards and create new ones. With symbols you could, for example,
find any date and replace it with the date found plus one day. Since so many
options are available, DataMan provides you with a symbol-editing dialog.
An example in which DataMan saved me hours: I Was working on a 40-page
cross-index to a large catalog. Each page had some 80 page numbers listed
on it, along with other numbers. The client decided to increase each page
number by one. Changing 2400 page numbers by hand would have taken hours to
enter and proof. DataMan did it in minutes -- and without mistakes.
DataMan is fast, easy and powerful. This introduction doesn't begin
to cover all DataMan's powers. Enjoy.
CUT-THIS-LINE-AND-ABOVE: --------------------------------------------------
#### TEXT digest-reader-20-unix.txt ****
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 91 08:24:39 EST
From: dbbrown@eastrg2.cray.com (Dan Brown)
Subject: [*] digest-reader.txt (Version 2)
Here is Version 2 of digest-reader.txt, that I submitted earlier this
year. The changes were made by Michael Kimura (mnk@rdac.dnet.hac.com),
who uses the program alot and made to very useful improvements. Just
some of the major improvements include.
o The program has been ported to work with VMS/VAXC as well as UNIX/C
and has been tested in both environments.
o You now have the ability to extract individual articles from the
digest being read.
o The article recognition algorithm has been generalized to accomodate
many other digests created by other interest groups with similar
formats. Some of the other digests tested are BIG-LAN DIGEST,
RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest, Telecom Privacy Digest,
#### BINHEX direct-tex-12.hqx ****
#### BINHEX drop-text-13.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 12:34:07 -0500
From: jarezina@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jasna M. Arezina-Wilson)
Subject: DropText 1.3
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
About Drop Text 1.3:
This is a drag-and-drop text file converter. It can convert between
Mac, Unix, and MS-DOS files, and can convert AppleWorks AWP files
into text. It has lots of nice features and safty checks, and can
convert more than one type into the target type at a time
(ex: Mac and Dos into Unix).
Packed with StuffIt; docs included; source code available (just ask).
Please note:
all email will be forwarded to the author.
Stuff new with this version (1.3):
* Updates Finder info faster.
* Converts AppleWorks Word Processor files to text.
* Allows optional stripping of the high bit of text.
* Dialog fixes.
Stuff new with version 1.2:
* doesn't wreck with buss error in dialogs any more.
* can change file/creator type of file(s) processed.
* can remove trailing spaces/tabs from lines.
Stuff new with version 1.1:
* strips bit 7 from text files.
* can handle more than 40 files at a time.
* works better with b&w systems.
* less occurance of "buss error" on startup.
* progress dialog doesn't whip in and out.
* faster overall.
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Drop_Text_1.3.sit"
#### BINHEX easy-view-232.hqx ****
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: easy-view-232.hqx
Date: Sun, 9 May 93 17:26:15 PDT
Organization: TidBITS
Easy View is an application for intelligent browsing of collections of
structured text files, large or small. It allows very fast access by
recognizing the internal structure. All of the following text formats
can be viewed using Easy View:
* setext, including TidBITS and similar publications
* Info-Mac, c.s.m.p, or similar digests
* Mail collections: Internet, Navigator, Notebook, etc.
* Text with "simple" format
* Dictionaries
* Plain text
New Features
* Apple event support: ability to open the current file under System 7
* Filters generalize the concept of case-independent search:
diacritical marks can be ignored, too
* "Search from top" option in Find dialog
* "Hide Top Window" command works very similar to the Hide command in the
Application menu (Hidden window names are in italic)
* "Use Styles" menu toggles the use of styles. When something is copied
while it is on, clipboard contents are also styled.
* Temporary memory is used for parsing under System 7, thus decreasing the
minimum Finder partition
* When text is scrolled, an overlap with the previous window is retained
The new "Styles" feature is known to cause occasional system crashes in
some configurations. Please uncheck "Use Styles" menu item if you encounter
such a crash.
This feature is still experimental and it was included only as a demo. When
styles are on, printing will be disabled, text selection may misbehave, and
word wrap may not work properly.
Styles should be turned off during extensive searches for better performance.
Extracting always turns styles off automatically.
#### BINHEX easy-view-233-patch.hqx ****
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: [*] easy-view-233-patch.hqx
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 93 10:51:15 PDT
Organization: TidBITS
A serious bug in Easy View was discovered recently by Ian A.
McEachern from Ottawa. The bug will be effective only when a
styled view is closed. However, it is harmless most of the
time. (That's why it remained there for two months)
The clue toward a solution was found by Alan Coopersmith from
Utah. Both users refer to DoubleTrouble utility by Greg Marriott
>From Apple Computer. Thanks to all parties involved.
This patch is not needed if you do not use styled views at all.
Once applied, it will upgrade Easy View 2.32 by modifying a
single CODE resource. The bug corrected by this patch could be
the sole reason for the intermittent crashes mentioned in the
Easy View documents.
To quote from Greg Marriott:
> This kind of bug is very hard to track down, and usually
> difficult to reproduce, because master pointer blocks contain
> 64 handles (by default, some programs change this behavior).
> So, this situation only comes up about 1/64th of the time.
> When it happens, though, the results are inevitably
> catastrophic.
This patch may not work properly while some virus detection
software is running.
This patch application was made with _ResCompare_, a ~free~
resource comparison and patch generation utility. ResCompare
can be FTP'ed from most Macintosh archive sites. Send e-mail
inquiries regarding ResCompare to Michael_Hecht@mac.sas.com.
Akif Eyler
Bilkent University
#### BINHEX easy-view-csmp-index.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 92 14:28:52 -0500
From: victor Norton<norton@andy.bgsu.edu>
Subject: [*] Easy View: CSMP Index
Here is an Easy View 2.2 index (viewer) for the C.S.M.P. Digests as
they appear in /info-mac/digest/csmp. It was written by Akif Eyler,
the author of Easy View. Though the index has been tailored
specifically for the csmp digest, it may work well with other digests
of a similar format.
In order to use the csmp index you will need Easy View 2.22. This is
archived as /info-mac/app/easy-view-22.hqx. When you have installed
Easy View 2.22, put the "c.s.m.p." folder containing the csmp index in
the "Sample Formats" folder in your "Easy View Folder". Then put a
copy of the index into a folder with a collection csmp digests. Open
this index and the digests will be indexed and displayed for _easy
viewing_. Add new digests to the folder as they become available.
Cheers. - Vic
#### BINHEX easy-view-sumex-archives.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 5 May 93 10:06:15 +0300
From: eyler@trbilun.bitnet (Akif Eyler)
Subject: sumex_abstracts.hqx (use with Easy View)
Here is a compact table of contents for part of sumex archives,
expandable easily. The contents of 5 out of 22 directories of
sumex have been included: app, card, cp, ex, util.
info-mac/app/easy-view-2* is required to open the view.
As is, the view will show just the names of the files in these
directories. If the corresponding 00*.abs files are also downloaded
from sumex into the same folder, then the abstracts will be shown
as well. (The file names must match perfectly)
In order to add some of the remaining 17 directories, just put
the desired 00*.abs into the same folder, and include the files
in the view. It is recommended that Auto-include and Auto-modify
flags turned on (see Prefs) for care-free performance.
This view reflects the status of the archives as of May 1.
Akif Eyler
Bilkent University
Ankara, Turkey
#### BINHEX ebook-10-hc.hqx ****
Received: from sparky by harpo (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA02467; Tue, 20 Jul 93
12:03:10 EDT
Received: from [] (host65) by sparky (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA01015;
Tue, 20 Jul 93 12:02:56 EDT
Message-Id: <9307201602.AA01015@sparky>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1993 12:02:58 -0500
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
From: baim@harpo.aaec.com
X-Sender: baim@sparky
Subject: EBook 1.0
X-Attachments: :THINK Reference 2:2:EBook1.0.cpt:
Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Resent-Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1993 10:29:42 PDT
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>
EBook is my answer to the growing collection of electronic text "front
ends" available for fee or free. Many of these front ends are based on
Hypercard, as is EBook. Where EBook differs, however, is in basic
philosophy. My goal was to create a simple, self-configuring stack that
would turn a plain text file into the electronic equivalent of a paperback
book: no frills, compact, and easy to read. You will not find elegant page
layout, provision for margin notes, or other special features. You will
o Bookmarks you can set on each page.
o Simple text search.
o "Open where I quit!" A possibly unique feature that remembers the
page you were on when you quit and returns to that page when you next
For those of you travelling with PowerBooks or simply looking for a way to
read the growing number of fine works becoming available as plain text
files, I hope EBook provides a simple way to enjoy yourself.
EBook is implemented using Hypercard 2.1
EBook is freeware. However, EBook is NOT released into the public domain.
I reserve all rights to the layout and script features. No third party may
use EBook in whole or in part to produce a library of works for sale at any
price except minimal cost to defray the expense of materials and handling.
This explicitly excludes companies such as EduCorp that sell collections of
free and shareware for a fee. I do authorize the release of EBook as part
of the sumex CDROM collection.
Paul W Baim
#### BINHEX endnote-plus-13-demo.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 17 May 1993 19:29:44 -0755
From: dwv@magic.ucsb.edu (David Valentine)
Subject: [*] Endnote Plus, and Endlink Demo's
This is the latest Demo of Niles and Assoc Endnote+ 1.3
Excerpt From the Manual:
Introducing EndNote Plus
Welcome to EndNote Plus, an Enhanced Reference Database and Bibliography
Maker. As the subtitle suggests, EndNote Plus is a program with a dual
First, EndNote Plus is a database manager-specialized in storing, managing,
and searching for bibliographic references in your private reference
Second, EndNote Plus is a bibliography maker-it builds lists of cited works
automatically, and can format references to paste into footnotes as well.
EndNote scans your word processor paper for in-text citations. It then
compiles a bibliography using the information in your database. Finally, it
will produce a copy of your paper, reformatting the in-text citations and
placing the bibliography at the end. You select the style to use and
EndNote does the rest! EndNote can reformat documents created by Microsoft
Word 3, 4, and 5, WordPerfect 1.0 - 2.1, MacWrite 5.0, MacWrite II,
WriteNow 1.0-3.0, Nisus 3 and FrameMaker 3. It can also reformat documents
in RTF (Rich Text Format), and plain text documents.
EndLink is the online database import facility for EndNote. It is an add-on
module to EndNote which enables you to import journal references from
online databases into your EndNote libraries. EndLink is not a program
itself, rather it is a resource file which, when present in the same folder
as the EndNote program, endows EndNote with a new import capability.
To use EndLink, you log on to your database service, and capture the
results of your search as they are listed to the screen. Then you start
EndNote, Import the resulting text file using EndLink, and the references
are imported directly into an EndNote library. Further instructions on
begin on page 28.
This file replaces the /end-note-plus.hqx
archive as /demo/endnote-plus-1.3.hqx
#### BINHEX excalibur-141.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 93 16:37:08 EDT
From: zaccone@sol.cs.bucknell.edu (Rick Zaccone)
Subject: Excalibur - Spelling Checker for Text and LaTeX
This is release 1.4.1 of Excalibur. 8/4/93
Excalibur is a Macintosh spelling checker for LaTeX documents. It also
does a fairly good job with plain TeX files. It reads files of type
TEXT and it is smart enough to ignore most LaTeX commands and a fair
number of plain TeX commands. Since it just ignores these commands, it
will also serve quite nicely as a spelling checker for any TEXT file
that doesn't contain any LaTeX or TeX commands. (It is not completely
accurate to say that Excalibur ignores LaTeX commands. It will process
any arguments that contain text). Excalibur will also spell check the
clipboard, making it useful as a spelling checker for text editors,
mail programs, etc.
Excalibur is a stand-alone application that we have tested with both
OzTeX and Textures documents. The fact that it is a stand-alone
application should not present any inconvenience since it works with
MultiFinder under System 6 and it is System 7 aware.
You will need System 6.0.4 or higher to run Excalibur.
If you are running System 7 or greater, there is balloon help.
Excalibur is free.
Version 1.4.1 includes the following changes.
- Repaired several minor bugs including better error handling under
low memory conditions.
- You can now convert larger text files into dictionaries. If you
create a really large dictionary you may not be able to read it with
an older version of Excalibur.
- Excalibur knows about the conventions in german.sty. If you turn on
the option to treat " as if it were \", Excalibur will also know about
the hyphens and quotes defined in german.sty.
Version 1.4 includes the following changes.
- You may now spell check the contents of the clipboard. You may save
the results back to the clipboard too.
- You may now teach Excalibur about new commands and environments that
you have defined.
- Excalibur now handles the \cite command properly.
- Many smaller changes too.
- If you have an older version of Excalibur, you will need to rebuild
your desktop in order to see the new icon for definition files.
Rick Zaccone
#### BINHEX flash-write-ii-11.hqx ****
Date: 09 Nov 1992 16:26:56 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Me? Graduated? Nope. Not yet." <LJONES@utkvx.utk.edu>
Subject: flashwrite-2-11.hqx
Sorry that I couldn't get the file to you Saturday. I just sent the file.
Here's the article again.
Word processors do a good job of managing larger works - reports, papers,
theses. What most people need is an application or DA for handling small bits
of information quickly and easily. Enter the aptly-named FlashWrite ][ DA, the
shareware successer to Apple's own NotePad DA.
Better than a word processor for small amounts of information:
*launches faster, and launches with a keypress thanks to a control panel
*doesn't require opening any files. uses pages instead
*new pages and changes to old pages are automatically saved when you quit
*only uses 20K, and can be used in System 6 without MultiFinder
Advantages over NotePad DA:
*unlimited number of resizable pages with up to 32,000 characters per page
*can use any font or style, with point sizes from 9 to 24
*pages can be printed, text files imported, and text exported with the
creator code of your favorite word processor.
*menu for switching between pages. pages are named
*lightning-fast word count
*word find and find again
I use FlashWrite every time I turn on my Mac. I use it to keep track of
books, movies, CDs, and software I'm interested in. One page stores the serial
numbers for my electronics, one has ftp sitess and user names, and I use another
to store interesting .sigs. For the person who wanted a monospaced text editor
for online messaging, use FlashWrite with the font for a given page set to
FlashWrite ][ 1.1 is shareware, $15, by Andrew Welch, author of ToDo! and
Easy Envelopes Plus. This latest release is 32 bit clean, Quadra cache compatible, and has Andrew's new address.
9-Nov-92 21:50:12-GMT,98660;000000000001
Received: from SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
id AA15276; Mon, 9 Nov 92 13:50:08 PST
Full-Name: Info-Mac Moderator
Received: by SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
id AA14606; Mon, 9 Nov 92 13:50:01 PST
Resent-Message-Id: <9211092150.AA14606@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Return-Path: <LJONES@utkvx.utk.edu>
Received: from utkvx2.utk.edu by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA14210;
Mon, 9 Nov 92 13:15:55 PST
Received: from utkvx.utk.edu by utkvx.utk.edu (PMDF #3151 ) id
<01GQYCJUHBKW8Y5294@utkvx.utk.edu>; Mon, 9 Nov 1992 16:12:58 EDT
Date: 09 Nov 1992 16:12:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Me? Graduated? Nope. Not yet." <LJONES@utkvx.utk.edu>
Subject: flashwrite-2-11.hqx
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Message-Id: <01GQYCJUHBKY8Y5294@utkvx.utk.edu>
X-Vms-To: IN%"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu."
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Resent-To: backmod@camis.stanford.edu
Resent-Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1992 13:49:59 PST
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>
#### BINHEX fw-recover-10.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1993 19:58:44 -0800
From: pradhan@camis.stanford.edu (Malcolm Pradhan)
Subject: [*] FWRecover 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
This is a utility from Akimbo Systems' FullWrite support area on
America-On-Line. It is designed to extract text from FullWrite files.
I did not write this.
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="FWRecover.sit"
#### BINHEX hyper-bibtex-097-hc.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 06 May 1993 16:29:17 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Evan L. Antworth 214/709-3346" <evan.antworth@sil.org>
Subject: HyperBibTeX097.sea.hqx
--Boundary (ID 5LooLqnqrULZXs81N0dBQQ)
This file should replace HyperBibTeX095 on all archives.
HyperBibTeX (version 0.9.7, 3-May-93) is a Macintosh
HyperCard stack for managing bibliography databases
compatible with BibTeX, the bibliography system used by
the TeX typesetting language. HyperBibTeX's features
* entering and editing bibliographic entries using
BibTeX's entry types (Book, Article, Proceedings, etc.),
* checking data integrity and consistency against a set
of authority lists,
* sorting cards on various fields,
* searching the database,
* marking cards individually or with the search function,
* importing entries from a BibTeX file,
* exporting cards to a BibTeX file.
HyperBibTeX requires HyperCard version 2. It should run
fine under system 6, but the Balloon Help facility
requires system 7. It also runs under HyperCard Player.
Version 0.9.7 is an upgrade that fixes bugs (including a
serious bug in version 0.9.5) and adds some new features
(such as an Index window that lists the Keys of the cards).
If you are presently using an older version of HyperBibTeX,
I strongly recommend that you upgrade to version 0.9.7.
Evan Antworth
Academic Computing Department
Summer Institute of Linguistics
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas, TX 75236
Internet e-mail: evan.antworth@sil.org
phone: 214/709-3346, -2418
fax: 214/709-2433
--Boundary (ID 5LooLqnqrULZXs81N0dBQQ)
#### BINHEX hyper-notebook-10b1-hc.hqx ****
From macmod Wed Sep 22 07:14:35 1993
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 00:14:11 -0600
From: bsanders@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Subject: Update! HyperNotebook v1.0b1
Dear Info-Mac Administrator,
This is the second release of HyperNotebook, version 1.0b1. I have fixed
some of the more obvious bugs from the last version. Please replace my
previous upload, version 1.0a2, with this new release. May I suggest that
you call it something like "hyper-notebook-v1b1" or "hypernotebook-v1.0b1"
in the archive. I don't think it is necessary to mention the Reference
Stack separately, even though it could be used as a stand-alone
++++++++++++++++ HyperNotebook Abstract ++++++++++++++++
This is the second public release of HyperNotebook and Reference Stack.
They are hypermedia versions of a spiral notebook and a box of
bibliographic notecards, respectively. They work together, or separately,
and provide not only standard text manipulation and selectable key-field
card sorting, but also button-driven PICT and QuickTime viewing, embedded
pop-up notes, and much more.
This is public domain software. It uses several of Frederic Rinaldi's
wonderful XCMD's and XFCN's. (Thank you Mr. Rinaldi.) Per Mr. Rinaldi's
licensing requirements, this software is not licensed for commercial
distribution, but it may be freely distributed in the public domain on a
not-for-profit basis.
Please send any comments, suggestions or bug reports to me directly via
e-mail. My e-mail address on Internet is: bsanders@ncsa.uiuc.edu.
I hope you find this software useful.
Barry Sanders
Multimedia Consultant
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Urbana, IL
#@!&%&@!+*%$ clunking around noisily in the dark %$*!+&*$#%!
#### BINHEX hyper-notebook-n-reference-hc.hqx ****
From bsanders@ncsa.uiuc.edu Wed Aug 25 20:11:01 1993
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1993 21:29:51 -0600
From: bsanders@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Subject: HyperNotebook v1.0a2
Dear Info-Mac Administrator,
This is the first public release of HyperNotebook and Reference Stack.
They are hypertext/multimedia versions of a spiral notebook and a box of
bibliographic notecards, respectively. They work together, or separately,
and provide not only standard text manipulation and selectable key-field
card sorting, but also button-driven PICT and QuickTime viewing, embedded
pop-up notes, and much more.
This is just the first 'alpha' version. There are several features which
have not yet been added, but the current version works reasonably well.
This is public domain software. It uses several of Frederic Rinaldi's
wonderful XCMD's and XFCN's. (Thank you Mr. Rinaldi.) Per Mr. Rinaldi's
licensing requirements, this software is not licensed for commercial
distribution, but it may be freely distributed in the public domain on a
not-for-profit basis.
Please send any comments, suggestions or bug reports to me directly via
e-mail. My e-mail address on Internet is: bsanders@ncsa.uiuc.edu.
I hope you find this software useful.
Barry Sanders
Multimedia Consultant
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Urbana, IL
#@!&%&@!+*%$ clunking around noisily in the dark %$*!+&*$#%!
#### BINHEX in-control-20-demo.hqx ****
From "Franklin Davis <fad@Think.COM>" Mon Sep 13 23:30:30 1993
From: Franklin Davis <fad@Think.COM>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 14:14:45 EDT
Subject: InControl2.0Demo.sea.hqx
[I was asked by Attain Corp. to post this demo to the archives.
They gave permission to include it in the CD-ROM. I've sent them
the posting guidelines so they'll post updates directly in the
--Franklin Davis fad@think.com]
WELCOME to a demonstration of IN CONTROL.
If you have ever used outlining software such as MORE or Acta, you will
find IN CONTROL to be familiar and powerful. And even if you're not
familiar with traditional outlining software, you'll find the concepts easy
to grasp and instantly useful.
IN CONTROL adds a whole new dimension of power beyond what is available in
simple outliners. With IN CONTROL you can add new columns of information
associated with each topic in the outline. And you can use these new
columns to arrange and quickly re-arrange your outline into different
orders. So you can see the top priority things to do for the California
project, or all the things assigned to Ellis that are due before next
Friday. With the click of a button, you can also see your to-do list
displayed in an interactive calendar view.
IN CONTROL is unlike ordinary calendar or outline programs. While calendars
can remind you of upcoming events, only IN CONTROL helps you decide WHAT TO
DO as well as when to do it.
IN CONTROL is the only To-Do List Manager that lets you organize all your
activities in an outline in a prioritized list and on your calendar. You
choose the organization that's best.
Starting to use IN CONTROL doesn't require a big investment of time or
effort. Just type in your list and IN CONTROL is ready to help you juggle
priorities, decide what to do next, and remember important dates,
assignments, and details.
You can set priorities, assign responsibilities, choose dates, and
instantly sort your list in order based on any of these values. And you can
quickly focus on just those items in the list that match any criteria you
specify. You can view your lists as outlines, calendars, or both.
____________ REQUIREMENTS
IN CONTROL requires the following equipment and software:
Macintosh Plus or greater, including any current
Macintosh model.
System Software version 6.0.5 or later, or 7.0 or later
600K bytes of memory; more for larger files
Two 800K floppy disk drives or a hard disk
System 7 Users: IN CONTROL provides Balloon Help, supports TrueType and the
required AppleEvents, and is 32-bit compatible.
(This BinHex file created by DownLine 1.1)
#### BINHEX info-browser-251-hc.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 11:53:49 EST
From: jeff kline <EGKLINE@indst.indstate.edu>
Subject: InfoBrowser 2.5.1 Submission
Well folks I finally updated properly the stack. This stack replaces
InfoBrowser 2.5.1 and updater infobrowser 2.5.1 stack.
IB allows you to read the digest in a manner that is alot easier
than just perusing it through a text editor. It allows you to
keep track of files to download and messages to respond to
Built in Help feature.
Jeff Kline
**********************cut Here**************************
#### BINHEX info-mac-digest-stack-11-hc.hqx ****
Date: 22 Sep 1992 13:30:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: Peter Jorgensen <PJORGENSEN%COLGATEU.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Mac Digest Stack 1.1
Here is the latest version of my InfoMac Digest Stack. It has some small
improvements such as an arrow button that takes you to the next subject. The
import feature now has an option for closing the stack after importing a batch
of text files. This is useful if the stack is stored on a file server, and you
want it to be available after the importation is finished.
For those who may not know, InfoMac Digest stack is a hypercard front-end for
the InfoMac Digests. It takes the digests as they arrive (big text files) and
imports them into a HyperCard structure that facilitates following threads,
looking for infomation, and generally dealing with the large volume of
information contained in the digest.
The stack is freeware, copyright 1992 by Peter Jorgensen.
#### BINHEX jconv-dd-150.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1993 23:48:54 -0500 (EST)
From: SAKIMURA@vaxr.sscl.uwo.ca (Natsu Sakimura)
Subject: [*] JCONV-DD ver.1.5.0
Dear Moderator:
Attached please find the new version of the JCONV-DD (ver.1.5.0) .
This version added the the ability to set the default output code
for New-JIS, Shift-JIS, EUC input files so that users do not
need to specify neither input nor output code once the
default has been set.
JCONV-DD -- a JIS<->SJIS<->EUC converter
ver.: 1.5
Type: Application
Author: Natsu Sakimura (sakimura@sscl.uwo.ca)
Date: 1993.11.12
System Requirement: System 7.0 or later
Distribution: Donateware(Freeware) (see Asking your favour:
section in ReadMe for terms and conditions)
JCONV-DD is a drag & drop application which performs
the conversion of JIS, SJIS and EUC files. It
auto-detects the encoding scheme of the file which was
New In This Version:
ver.1.5 now allows the default output code settings for
New-JIS, Shift-JIS, EUC input files so that users do not
need to specify neither input nor output code once the
default has been set.
#### UUENCODE mac-to-tex-unix.uu ****
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 91 22:08:56 -0500
From: aal@cfdlab.ae.utexas.edu (Alfred Lorber)
Subject: unix/mactotex.uu
by Adam Fedor (fedor@phase.Colorado.EDU)
UNIX programs and files for including Mac PostScript files in a
(La)TeX document. You need to have Psfig installed to use this
package!!! Specially suited to handle problems caused by System 7.
(In PS file, delete LaserPrep section, delete font definitions, etc.)
Good man page and documentation. This package contains the following
README ; you guessed it
#### BINHEX mac-translit-12.hqx ****
From: fridberg@pfc.mit.edu (Mikhail Fridberg)
Subject: MacTranslit_1_2.hqx
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1993 17:57:51 -0500
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
A utility for converting between different writing systems of text. This
shareware ($25.00 US) version can convert among 3 different Cyrillic
systems - Apple Standard Cyrillic, Russian KOI-8 Alternative Variant system
and old Casady and Green unilingual Cyrillic system. More conversion tables
are available for registered users.
Required Sys 7. Drag and drop, baloon help, very fast and small.
Tested on variety of macintoshes, from Mac 512 to Centris 610. 32 bit
clean, virtual memory compatible.
Probably should go into /info-mac/text directory.
- Mike Fridberg
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="x-Mac->se"
#### BINHEX mac-write-pro-10v4-updt.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 1993 21:26:32 -0800
From: lkchun@heartland.bradley.edu (Lance K. Chun)
Subject: [*] macwritepro1.0v4updater.sit
MacWrite Pro 1.0v4 corrects incompatibilities in previous versions of
MacWrite Pro 1.0, and includes these changes:
1. Addition of the ClarisWorks 1.0 Mac Text Translator.
2. Improved handling of large files containing graphics, which have
been heavily edited.
3. Improved handling of files with graphics in the header.
4. Compatibility with the MacODA XTND Translator, available from Apple
Computer, Inc.
5. Improved compatibility when printing EPS graphics under non-US
System Software.
6. Improved printing to QuickDraw printers.
7. Better performance when inserting a Table on a Classic running
System 6.0.
8. Improved behavior with converted MacWrite II documents when no
print driver is selected in the Chooser.
In addition, MacWrite Pro 1.0v4 will now open MacWrite Pro documents that
may not open correctly using the normal Open. command. To use this
1. Hold the Option key down while you select Open. from the File menu
2. Select the "Text" format from the Show: popup menu at the bottom of
the Open dialog
3. Select the document you want to open and click the Open button
The progress dialog will appear briefly, then your document will open in a
new window (note that all formatting and graphics are removed, and there
may be extraneous characters interspersed with the text). The text is now
available to be copied and pasted into a new document.
Four files have been changed:
o MacWrite Pro 1.0v4
o TableEditor 1.0v2 (ADDit)
o Claris XTND Bridge 2.0v2
o Read Me (these Release Notes, 1.0v4)
One new file has been added:
o ClarisWorks 1.0 Text Translator
#### TEXT macwrite-pro-vs-ms-word.txt ****
10-Apr-93 1:49:46-GMT,20363;000000000001
Received: from SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
id AA12620; Fri, 9 Apr 93 18:49:45 PDT
Full-Name: Info-Mac Moderator
Received: by SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
id AA29886; Fri, 9 Apr 93 18:49:45 PDT
Resent-Message-Id: <9304100149.AA29886@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Return-Path: <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Received: from Elroy.UH.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA00123;
Fri, 9 Apr 93 06:07:35 PDT
Received: from Jetson.UH.EDU by Jetson.UH.EDU (PMDF #3125 ) id
<01GWSKEXTHE090ONH0@Jetson.UH.EDU>; Fri, 9 Apr 1993 03:48:02 CDT
Date: 09 Apr 1993 03:48:02 -0500 (CDT)
From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Subject: (*) macwrite-pro-vs-ms-word.txt [for the archives]
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Message-Id: <01GWSKEXTHE290ONH0@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT
#### BINHEX mcsink-70-files.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 90 12:50:11 CST
From: palkovic@linac.fnal.gov (John A. Palkovic)
Subject: McSink 7.0 files
Moderator: McSink 7.0 files, stuffed and binhexed, follows. I am
sending the DA in a seperate mail message.
----------- cut here -----------------------------
#### BINHEX mcsink-70.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 90 12:47:58 CST
From: palkovic@linac.fnal.gov (John A. Palkovic)
Subject: McSink 7.0
This is McSink 7.0, the latest update to McSink, arguably the best
DA/text editor for the mac. I am posting this as two separate files;
the first is the DA, the second is a document (20k) and about a dozen
VCMD's. If you want to know what is different, get the second file
and extract the "McSink V7.0 Changes" file and read it. It is a text
file. A quick summary: word wrap is disabled :-( ; it is a lot
faster and you can now use VCMD's in McSink. if you want all the
features you have to get Vantage, the commercial big brother to McSink.
John Palkovic
disclaimer: This space intentionally left blank.
Moderator: McSink 7.0 DA, stuffed and binhexed, follows. McSink 7.0
files will be in another mail message.
----------- cut here -----------------------------
#### BINHEX micro-emacs-310.hqx ****
From "qraast@kiba2.ericsson.se (Anders Stegen)" Thu Aug 26 12:14:55 1993
From: qraast@kiba2.ericsson.se (Anders Stegen)
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 93 09:00:06 +0200
Subject: Emacs_310.sit.hqx 1/3
This is a Mac implementation of the text editor microEmacs.
(For people like me who has it's somewhat cryptic command
interface solidly stuck in our brain patterns.)
It's from 1989 and must have come from the Internet originally,
I found it on some Swedish local BBS.
No bugs to my knowledge (I haven't tested it too hard either). It
handles files 300-400 K without problems, though.
I still use system 6.0.5 and can't guarantee it's system 7 behaviour.
I'm using Disinfectant 3.2 for virus checking.
Archived by Stuff-it Lite.
Anders Stegen
#### BINHEX mini-text-10-hc.hqx ****
From macmod Mon Sep 20 04:45:36 1993
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 93 18:34:33 EDT
Subject: submitting MiniText1.0
MiniText 1.0 is the very first software I dare to submit to an
FTP archive. It is an HyperCard stack developped on version 2.1.
I did this simple stack because I needed a very simple word
processor I could access from whithin HC. Since I couldn't find
one, I made one. Here it is and I hope you will find it worth
posting it in this archive.
Compacted and BinHexed. NOT checked for viruses.
Stephane Jose. b7o8@musicb.mcgill.ca (o is a letter)
---------------------cut here-----------------------------------
#### BINHEX mini-text-101-hc.hqx ****
From macmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU Tue Sep 21 02:23:50 1993
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 93 12:21:06 EDT
Subject: submitting MiniText1.0.1
I'd like to apologize for re-submitting MiniText so shortly but
I realized that there was a small bug in v.1.0. I also forgot to
compact the stack (within HyperCard). Now, this is corrected and
I included in this archive both english and french versions of
the stacks.
MiniText is my impression of a word processor using the HyperCard
(2.1) environment. I was looking for an easy way to open text
files from within HC. I couldn't find anything so I made it.
I hope you will find it worth posting in this archive.
BinHexed and Compacted with CompactPro
Checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.2
Stephane Jose. b7o8@musicb.mcgill.ca (o is a letter)
--------------------cut here------------------------------------
#### BINHEX mini-writer.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1992 09:57:24 -0500 (CDT)
From: Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: miniWRITER1.73.sit
miniWRITER is a popular text editor desk accessory which is great for
composing and uploading text messages to bulletin boards. Also good for
creating short (or small) text-only documents. Configurable, will add
carriage returns after a certain amount of characters per line (you specify
the number of characters). Excellent text editor DA! Shareware, $10.00.
#### BINHEX misebirakasu-20.hqx ****
From "Chris K. Thomas <wk02622@worldlink.com>" Sat Aug 28 10:44:56 1993
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 93 08:57:52 -0400
From: Chris K. Thomas <wk02622@worldlink.com>
Subject: Misebirakasu 2.0 [*]
Misebirakasu 2.0
>>the Simple Online Knowledge Solution<<
Misebirakasu is an online documentation system, originally created to replace
DisplayDA and provide a simple means of displaying and accessing small
amounts of useful text. Misebirakasu can now perform those simple duties,
and much more. By the manipulation of resources, one may customize it to
display almost any sort of graphic- or text-based information of any size
that one needs to access quickly and easily, including pictures displayed
within text.
New for 2.0: Status bar which tells you which chapter youUre currently
viewing. Copy now copies pictures along with text. Added the ability to
have the display window vertically stretch itself to fill the screen, and
since that means that we canUt use the autocentering utilities provided by
the System, an option which centers the window on the main screen. Pictures
now copy to the clipboard along with text. TeachTextiness eliminated
entirely. Hilting problems fixed. Drastic speed increases. Find problems
fixed. Changed packaging and method of distribution. Dropped TeachText
compatibility for speed.
* can have an unlimited number of chapters. Each chapter can display up to
32K of Styled text in full living color.
* can display pictures within the text.
* allows the user to select and copy any portion of the text. Selected
pictures are also copyable.
* has a "Find" function.
* is 32-bit compatible and 68040 cache compatible, and doesnUt do nasty
things to the system, so it should theoretically work with future systems
* you can define sections of text which can be accessed quickly and easily
>From the TSectionsU menu.
Requires a Resource Editor to customize.
#### BINHEX mishu-wuhan-204-demo.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 20:06:57 -0600
From: raymund ken-guan chan <rchan@triton.unm.edu>
Mishu-Wuhan Demo 2.04 is a DA and extension with a set of fonts that allow one
to paste Chinese characters as text or pictures into other applications such
as Microsoft Word, MacWrite, Hypercard, Word Perfect or any application that
accepts Apple's standard Styled Text or Pict clipboards. Chinese Word or
MacWrite documents can be imported into PageMaker and QuarkExpress. It will
work under System 6.0.7 or 7 and best of all, you do not need to have Apple's
ChineseTalk System or WorldScript installed! Printing is very slow on
postscript laserprinters, but only slightly longer on QuickDraw printers
such as the Imagewriter, LaserWriter LS and Sytlewriter. Faxing documents is
also quite fast. The method of character selection is similar to ChineseTalk
via pinyin. The only difference between this demo and the full version is
only the characters up to the pinyin "feng" are here.
The DA will not work properly unless both the fonts and extension are
installed and the System restarted. The demo guide is in Word Format.
You can open it with MacWrite, Microsoft Word or any other word processor
that can handle that format by first opening the application and selecting
Open from the file menu. Choose the Guide when the get file dialog appears.
Instructions on ordering the full version are included in the demo guide.
Mishu was given a four and a half mice rating by MacUser magazine in 1989.
Version 2.04 is fully compatible with System 7.1.
Note to Moderators: This demo should replace the earlier version 2.0 demo.
#### BINHEX msword-truetype-print-fix.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 91 10:51:47 -0700
From: Walter A Dorsey <dorseyw@mist.CS.ORST.EDU>
Subject: MS Word Printer Init
OK- second try. I used Compactor Pro do make the BinHex earlier.
Try this- Should work if you strip the header off. If not,
can you tell me what I'm doing wrong.
This is the special printer Init for TrueType(tm)
printing with MS Word 4.0. Please post in the proper
locataion. If the file name is too short, feel free to
change the name that people will see- do not change
any file name in the BinHex file.
(I have permission from Microsoft to post this)
This includes two files:
The ~MS Word TrueType(tm) Printer Init and the ReadMe file from MS
Word 4.00D (disk revision H)
The MS Word TrueType(tm) Printer Init fixes a problem with printing
TrueType(tm) fonts to QuickDraw-based printers (i.e., the StyleWriter(tm)
and the Personal LaserWriter LS(tm)).
To use this init, place it in your System Folder and restart your Macintosh.
The MS Word TrueType(tm) Printer Init icon is displayed at the bottom of
your monitor.
To stop the init from loading, remove it from your System Folder.
If you are using the StyleWriter(tm) or the Personal LaserWriter LS(tm),
turn on Fractional Widths in Page Setup.
#### BINHEX multi-find-replace-14-fkey.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 92 18:59:23 BST
From: Gaspard Gendreau ESRIN/ISD <gaspard@mail.esrin.esa.it>
Subject: Multi-Find-Replace1.4
Multi Find-Replace is a free FKEY to performs a succession of global "Find and
Replace" on the text of the current clipboard:
- copy the text to the clipboard
- activate the FKEY
- Paste the text
It comes ready to use with:
- Macintosh text <-> Dos text conversions (including extended ASCII)
- Uppercase <-> lowercase conversions
- Remove accents
- Remove extra "end of line" to build paragraph
You can create your own definition file(s) with ResEdit.
Includes an FKEY installer.
#### BINHEX nisus-bugs-347.hqx ****
Organization: Trinity Western University
From: Rick_Sutcliffe@faith.twu.ca (Rick Sutcliffe)
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1993 9:49:11 PDT
Subject: NisusBugs3.47
NISUS bug registry
This is version 4.3 dated 1993 06 01
1. The NISUS bug registry will accept bug reports only on the current
version (now 3.47)
2. Bugs must be documented with an example.
3. Mail the information to me at rsutc@twu.ca
4. I will create a summary file and post to the internet archives. The file
will be updated periodically as I get additional reports.
5. I will forward a copy of each new version to Nisus. Several previous
versions of this list have been available on the net and Compuserve, the
last being version 3.0 about 18 months ago) -all were mailed to Paragon.
Disclaimer: I have discovered many of these bugs myself, and verified most
of the others. (Mac II & IIfx system 7.1 16M + 170M internal, 105M
external, Northgate keyboard, unMouse, trackball, lots of extensions
including NOW, Suitcase, QuickKeys, allowing 2M for Nisus) I have
personally observed all the bug behaviour marked Still applies in 3.47 in
that version. Because there are also a wide variety of different systems
available, I cannot claim that the information in this file is exhaustive or
accurate in all situations. In any case, I take no responsibility for
anyone's use or misuse of this information. The words "I" and "me" refer in
most cases either to myself, or to the submitter. Original wording of
submitters has often been retained (even where I knew about the bug
already,) but names have been removed to protect the innocent. Some of the
bugs (especially in the construction of macros and the operation of supplied
macros) were reported for version 3.05 or 3.06 and have not been verified by
me personally for version 3.06 or 3.47, nor have they been authoritatively
reported to me as fixed. Many of those reported with respect to macros have
been deleted for this edition, as they were not sufficiently specific to be
able to understand and reproduce easily.
No attempt has been made yet to test the script capabilities of 3.47.
To remain authoritative, this and all versions of this "official" network
bug list are copyright ) by Rick Sutcliffe. This document may be freely
copied and distributed provided it is not changed and no fee is charged for
its distribution with the exception of normal downloading costs.
Compiled by:
Rick Sutcliffe
Trinity Western University rsutc@twu.ca
#### TEXT nisus-first-impressions.txt ****
From: tim@ufcia.health.ufl.edu (Tim Cera)
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1992 16:30:54 EDT
Subject: [*] Comments about Nisus
I am uploading some thoughts about Nisus. We purchased Nisus
a couple weeks ago. When I sat down at it I took notes, because
I can become used to things and I wanted fresh ideas. There may
be work arounds, and I do want to know about them, but this is mainly
for people deciding on a work processer to look at my problems
with Nisus.
I suggest this be put in the reports directory.
I am also sending this to the Nisus Wish List fax number at (619)
481-6154. I you agree with anything I have in here or have other
suggestions send them in. Maybe programmers think everything
is hunky dory out in the real world :+)
tim cera
#### BINHEX nisus-help.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1993 18:26:29 +1200
From: CLAS005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
Subject: [*] Nisus Help
Here is Nisus Help, a DocMaker doc. If you have System 7
or MultiFinder, you can look at it while using Nisus. I
keep my copy in my Apple Menu (under System 7).
This replaces my earlier nisus-help-da, which was
pretty weenie, inaccurate, incomplete, and has, I
believe, fallen off sumex anyway. It is, as the
name implies, a help file for Nisus users. Lists
shortcuts, things not obvious from menus, gives a handy
source for metacharacters and macro commands, and
corrects a number of errors in the manuals.
Self-extracting archive, expands to 84K.
Matt Neuburg = clas005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
#### BINHEX nisus-icons-n-ruler.hqx ****
From "Martin Charest <charestm@iro.umontreal.ca>" Sat Sep 11 16:47:55 1993
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 93 17:58:54 EDT
From: Martin Charest <charestm@iro.umontreal.ca>
Subject: Nisus-Icons-Ruler.hqx
Are you tired of your Nisus icons and the ugly black & white
ruler? This file contains new icons and a new ruler for
Nisus 3.4, recommended only if you have a color monitor.
Very easy to install if you have ResEdit. Instructions included.
This file should be placed in the info-mac/app directory.
Have fun!
Martin Charest
---------------cut here----------------------cut here-----------
#### BINHEX note-pad-ii.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 92 23:24:44 PDT
From: Les.Ferch@mtsg.ubc.ca
Subject: Desk Accessory Cloning (C)
>What I'm after is having multiple copies of the Note Pad for keeping
>track of various snippits by category.
You might find one of the following a better alternative to making
multiple copies of NotePad:
Ah, I see that Note Pad II is no longer at Sumex. So here is a
NotePad II is a shareware enhanced notedpad DA. It provides a
wide window and the ability to group notes into topics.
#### BINHEX note-taker-10-hc.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 93 11:04:04 -0400
From: rrumpf@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Robert Rumpf)
Subject: Re: Replacement Submission
Well, here goes again. Hope this one makes it to you!
NoteTaker 1.0 is a note-taking hypercard stack for students and researchers
alike. Designed for use on PowerBooks, has import/export functions and an
easy to use menu-driven interface. See the HELP screen on the main menu
for more info.
"If this were a virus you would be dead now. Fortunately it's not."
- Hiro Protagonist, "SnowCrash", Neal Stephenson 1992
#### BINHEX pc-wordperfect-files.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1992 11:16 EST
Subject: Report on Translating WordPerfect files
Please find below my report on translating WordPerfect files from PC DOS
format to Word 5.0 on the Mac.
Leo G. Leduc
#### BINHEX plain-text.hqx ****
Subject: PlainText editor for files >32K
Date: 14 Dec 1993 17:43:39 -0500 (CDT)
PlainText is the plain text editor people have been clammering for
that will handle files larger than 32K and it is free. It's got all
the features considered necessary for a text editor plus a few more.
Besides all the normal search and replace functionality you would
want, it will also convert straight to curly quotes and back, strip
or add linefeeds for conversions between Mac and DOS conventions,
and substitute linefeeds for carriage returns for Mac/Unix conversions.
It will word wrap and add or remove hard carriage returns within
PlainText requires System 6.04 or greater and is System 7 friendly.
Mel Park
University of Tennessee, Memphis
#### BINHEX pop-char-262.hqx ****
From macmod Tue Sep 21 08:46:32 1993
Subject: PopChar 2.6.2
From: Guenther Blaschek <gue@soft.uni-linz.ac.at>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 93 09:03:26 +0100
This is PopChar version 2.6.2. It corrects two bugs that were introduced
in version 2.6.1. The iconic menu mode now works as announced, and the
startup icon can be turned off again.
Sorry for the inconvenience if you already downloaded 2.6.1.
[Moderators: please remove version 2.6.1 from the archives.]
For your information, here is what was new in version 2.6.1:
- A complete rewrite of essential parts was taken to make PopChar
compatible with Microsoft Works 3.0.
- The incompatibility with MacWrite Pro was resolved.
- PopChar can now be invoked from an icon menu next to the help menu
(System 7 only).
- Up to 255 characters can now be inserted in the "More" mode.
- The hiliting of the menus was removed.
- The font size is now chosen such that the character chart always fits
on the main monitor.
- The frame around the "P" icon is not drawn on secondary monitors any
- The PopChar settings are now stored in a preferences file rather than
ion a resource in the control panel itself.
- The PopChar icon was made more "System-7-ish".
- The "ATR patch" was removed. It isn't necessary any more.
- The documentation was converted to TeachText format.
For those who do not know what PopChar is for:
PopChar is a control panel that simplifies "typing" of unusual characters.
Click the PopChar icon in the menu bar, select the character you want,
and PopChar automatically inserts it in the current document as if you had
typed the proper key combination on the keyboard.
PopChar is FREE. TeachText documentation included.
e Guenther Blaschek, University of Linz, Austria
gu E-Mail: <gue@soft.uni-linz.ac.at>
-=-=-=-=-=-=- cut here
#### BINHEX power-notes-20-hc.hqx ****
From "rrumpf@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Robert Rumpf)" Wed Aug 25 11:11:43 1993
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 93 08:59:06 -0400
From: rrumpf@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Robert Rumpf)
PowerNotesT 2.0 is a major rewrite/upgrade to PowerNotes 1.0, including
several bug fixes, speedier algorithms, and implementation of new features
such as Password Protection and the option to attach graphic images to your
PowerNotesT is a Hypercard stack designed to be an electronic notebook for
students and researchers alike. Designed for use on a Powerbook (although
it will run on any Mac with a screen size of 640 x 400 or larger), it
organizes and stores information (ie, class notes, research notes,
diagrams, recipes, whatever), which can be textual or graphical in nature.
PowerNotesT has import and export functions for exchanging data with
others; the exported files are browsable on their own or may be imported
into another PowerNotesT stack. This stack is exceptionally useful as an
electronic notebook for students taking notes directly onto their
PowerBooks, or for researchers and experimenters who need to keep track of
experiments, projects, or information from primary literature references.
See the HELP button on the main menu for more information!
#### BINHEX power-notes-21-hc.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1993 20:25:11 +0000
From: rrumpf@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Robert Rumpf)
Subject: PowerNotes 2.1
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
PowerNotes=81 is a Hypercard stack designed to be an electronic notebook=
students and researchers alike. Designed for use on a Powerbook=
it will run on any Mac with a screen size of 640 x 400 or larger),=
organizes and stores information (ie, class notes, research notes,
diagrams, recipes, whatever), which can be textual or graphical in=
PowerNotes=81 has various import and export functions. This stack=
exceptionally useful as an electronic notebook for students taking=
directly onto their PowerBooks, or for researchers and experimenters=
need to keep track of experiments, projects, or information from=
literature references.
What's new for Version 2.1?
* Outliner Button to rapidly prepare an outline of all topics and
subtopics in the stack (great for generating an instant syllabus!)
* Print Button provides formatted output of the entire contents=
of a given card
* Textfile Button to allow for simple import and/or export of text=
an ascii file and PowerNotes
* Time and Date fields are customizable
* Minor Bug Fixes
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="powernotes2.1.sit"
#### TEXT prep-editor.txt ****
Subject: Re: transcription editor
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 93 10:40:11 EST
From: chandhok@GNOME.CS.CMU.EDU
George Wittenberg asks about an editor for handling "overlapping dialogs" in
a tabular format. Our collaborative writing environment, the PREP Editor,
handles transcription *extremely* well - to the point of being able to
include the actual voice in the document (if you have a enough RAM)! We use
PREP to transcribe our own studies, in addition to writing all our papers.
This transciption capability is ancillary to PREP's real goal, which is to
provide a writing environment to support collaborative writing. We are an
NSF sponsored project.
PREP includes XTND capabilities for import and export; text, drawing, and
sound support; and much more. Note that PREP is *NOT* a
synchronous/networked/real time environment (although that will be
changing). We think that 90% of the work happens asynchronously, anyway.
#### BINHEX quick-notes-10b6.hqx ****
From: zobkiw@world.std.com (Joe Zobkiw)
Subject: QuickNotes1.0b6
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1993 19:55:02 -0400 (EDT)
QuickNotes 1.0b6 by Joe Zobkiw
QuickNotes allows you to quickly and easily create reminder
notes on your Macintosh! Requires System 7 and is very cool!
Full Read Me file enclosed.
#### BINHEX quoter.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 93 08:16 EDT
From: Jeffrey L. Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Subject: Quoter DA
In 11-79, Harry Hahn <hhh@zeus.ahabs.wisc.edu> asks again for the "old"
freeware DA Quoter. Here it is. Written by Pete Johnson, this DA just puts
those darn ">" before each line of your text (line length 10-80
characters). It even lets you encrypt or decrypt your text with a password
of your choice, and will "postmark" your text with date and time as well if
requested. It's free. This is version 1.0; there may be later ones.
I'm uploading it in a traditional DA suitcase for compatibility with Sys 6
use; for System 7, just double-click on the suitcase to pull the
application out, of course.
Jeff Needleman <needje@msen.com>
#### BINHEX reeves-digest-browser-11-hc.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 92 11:40:04 -0600
From: 105277@essdp2.LANL.GOV (GEOFF REEVES)
The "Reeves Digest Browser" is a hypercard stack which makes it
easy to navigate through digests. It is a self unstuffing,
binhexed archive. It is called the "Reeves Digest Browser" to
distinguish it from other Digest Browsers which are around.
It reads text digests into hypercard putting contents information
into a contents window and each message into its own message
window. It should work on any digest but has been tested only
on the homebrew and grateful dead digests.
Messages can be shown by clicking on the contents window,
choosing "read messages", clicking "next" or "previous" message
buttons, or choosing the message number. Messages can also
be edited and/or exported to their own files. Complete help is
available for all buttons and fields by option-clicking on the
button or field you want to know about. This stack is offered
as shareware.
Geoff Reeves
#### BINHEX rtf-to-html-converter.hqx ****
From: h.rzepa@ic.ac.uk (Henry Rzepa) (Henry Rzepa)
Subject: html converter
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 17:55:03 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I enclose a rtf to html converter written by
Chris Hector and posted here with his permission.
The original source is ftp.cray.com in
The markup language used by world-wide-webb
servers is called html. This program rtftohtml
takes rtf output from e.g. Microsoft Word and
converts it to a html text file. If necessary, this
can be edited using a html aware editor such as
BBedit fitted with html extensions (available from
Sumex). The output consists of a html file along
with any graphic files saved as 1.pict etc. If
all these files are copied to a www server directory, they
become accessible via clients such as Mosaic.
Note that currently, html does not support styles
such as sub or superscripts, nor does it appear to
cope with greek letters etc. Any chemists out there
who wish to lobby for such support?
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="rtftohtml.sea"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="rtftohtml.sea"
#### BINHEX saint-edit-11.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 93 21:51:01 CDT
From: lakeman@cadaver.acm.ndsu.NoDak.edu (Brian Lakeman)
Subject: SaintEdit 1.1
This is a update to SaintEdit 1.0 that's already on sumex.
Brian Lakeman lakeman@cadaver.acm.ndsu.nodak.edu
Well it is finally here!
This is a major upgrade to SaintEdit there are a ton of new
features and many bug fixes, so please read the 1.1 release history!
SaintEdit is a System 7, squeaky clean, robust general purpose text
editor-not a word processor, not a page layout program, not a draw program.
Hidden behind the simple and intuitive user interface lies a rather complex
program representing years of work. I use it as a snazzy, efficient
replacement for Teach Text: Though it doesn't (yet) support graphics,
SaintEdit will read any text file and is loaded with features.
SaintEdit 1.1
- System 7 Savvy
- Multiple open windows
- Memory dependent file size limit (greater than 32K!)
- Extensive Undo/Redo support
- Safe file saving routines
- Extensive Search and replace
- Color Day/Night Settings (change background color too!)
- FastScrolls
- Drag and Drop any TEXT file
- Sleek Interface
- Printing Support
- Multiple Monitor Support
- Auto read UNIX and DOS files without messing with converters
- Save text files for Macintosh, UNIX, DOS, TeachText, TeachText
Read Only
- Speech Manager Support
- And much, much more!
Thank you for your support...
Craig Marciniak TemplarDev@aol.com
#### UUENCODE setext-viewer-02-unix.uu ****
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 93 11:10:51 +0300
From: eyler@trbilun.bitnet (Akif Eyler)
Subject: A browser for setext in unix: sv-02.tar.Z.uue
We have a prototype for reading TidBITS (and any setext) on unix
boxes. The current version needs System 5 and curses library.
**Does not work on a Mac without unix operating system**
Oguz Isikli, a graduate student at Bilkent University, wrote the
code. The parsing engine was ported from Easy View. User interface
was based on unix Gopher client.
The program is open for further development and we expect some
comments (and possibly source code) contributed to the project.
#### BINHEX signature-quote-10.hqx ****
Date: 28 May 1993 10:57:49 -0800
From: "Rick Holzgrafe" <Rick_Holzgrafe@taligent.com>
Subject: SignatureQuote 1.0 - part 1
SignatureQuote 1.0 - part 1 of 3
SignatureQuote is a new utility for use with any e-mail, bulletin board, or
network news program. It offers:
o Quoting of text in a variety of styles
o Insertion of standard text such as network and e-mail signatures
o Conversion of 80-character lines to Mac-style paragraphs and vice-versa
o All functions can be customized to your preferences
SignatureQuote is simple to use: just click a button to invoke a function. If
you prefer, any function can be made into a custom FKEY and installed in your
application or System file.
SignatureQuote is useful with QuickMail, Microsoft Mail, FirstClass, America
Online, NewsWatcher, Eudora, and any similar communications program. It
requires System 7.0 or later and runs on all Macintosh computers.
28-May-93 23:11:26-GMT,25360;000000000001
Return-Path: <macmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Received: from SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
id AA23227; Fri, 28 May 93 16:11:25 PDT
Full-Name: Info-Mac Moderator
Received: by SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
id AA24011; Fri, 28 May 93 12:18:52 PDT
From: macmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (Info-Mac Moderator)
Resent-Message-Id: <9305281918.AA24011@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Fri, 28 May 1993 12:18:50 PDT
Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
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Message-Id: <CMM.0.88.738616730.macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>
Apparently-To: backmod
-- Rick Holzgrafe
Semicolon Software
#### TEXT skim-11-unix.txt ****
From: macman@bernina.ethz.ch (Danny Schwendener)
Subject: Browsing digests for recent uploads (version 1.1)
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1993 13:57:18 GMT
This is a slightly improved version of the skim Unix program recently
posted by Craig Nevill-Manning <cgn@kauri.cs.waikato.ac.nz>. This version
also inserts the necessary 'cd' and 'get' commands so that you can feed
the resulting script directly into FTP.
I have sumex-aim in my .netrc file, so that all I need to do after the
skim is to type the following command to get the tagged files:
ftp sumex-aim.stanford.edu < download
Craig Nevill-Manning <cgn@kauri.cs.waikato.ac.nz>'s program description:
>I wrote this quick Unix program for browsing info-mac digests. I try to keep
>up with the new uploads to sumex, but it's a tedious, repetitive process to
>actually download the stuff I want. This C program scans a digest (or several)
>in a file or files given on the command line for the [*] denoting an upload
>notice, and prints out the description. Type y if you want to download it, and
#### TEXT skim-digest-unix.txt ****
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 91 03:00:17 CST
From: 231b3679@fergvax.unl.edu (Mike Gleason)
Subject: [*] skim-digest.c
/* skim-digest.c
* version 1.0, 28 Feb 91, by Mike Gleason, NCEMRSoft.
* Purpose: To read only selected articles from the Info-Mac digests.
* How to use: Compile this C source code with your favorite C compiler
* on your favorite unix host:
* % cc skim-digest.c -O -o skim
* Go out and download a digest from sumex-aim.stanford.edu. Run skim:
* % skim digest50 digest51 digest49
* It should be fairly straightforward from there. When skim finds an
#### TEXT skim-new-unix.txt ****
From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier)
Subject: Submission : skim
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 93 19:37:52 MET DST
This an enhancement to the original "skim" program, written by
Craig Nevill-Manning. This program helps you browse through an
info-mac digest (such as those posted on comp.sys.mac.digest).
For each new file submission, it asks you whether you want to
download the file or not. Then it creates a script named
"download". Running this script connects automatically to the
info-mac ftp site (sumex) and does all the job for you.
This allows to you to download programs at night, by typing
something like :
/bin/nohup at 0200am download
Attention : this program is designed for UNIX boxes, NOT Macs.]
To the archive maintainer : I have Craig's authorization to publish
#### BINHEX solutions-viewer.hqx ****
From 70731.3710@CompuServe.COM Thu Jul 15 12:17:19 1993
Date: 15 Jul 93 12:09:13 EDT
From: Spec Bowers <70731.3710@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Viewer.sea
This is a document viewer for "glue" files from Solutions Inc.
#### BINHEX style-121.hqx ****
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 93 9:15:49 PDT
(5.65+/IDA-1.3.5 for info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu); Mon, 18 Oct 93 15:22:14
From: piovanel@ghost.dsi.unimi.it
Message-Id: <9310181422.AA12233@ghost.dsi.unimi.it>
Subject: Style 1.2.1
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu (Mac Archives)
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1993 15:22:13 +0100 (MET)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL22]
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 157622
This is Style 1.2.1, a simple application that lets you create
small (up to about 32,000 characters) styled text documents.
You can set font, font size, style attributes and color of
individual characters with easily accessible menus.
You can open any number of documents at the same time, the only
limit being available memory. You can create small stand-alone
documents ('AutoViewers') that may be viewed and printed without
the application itself. Last, but not least, Style fully supports
the Claris XTND architecture: you can import and export
documents in various word processor formats.
The Style 1.2.1 package includes translators for MacWrite 5.0
and MacWrite II.
Style takes advantage of most System 7 features and user
interface improvements (including Balloon Help, stationery pads,
movable modal dialogs, temporary memory, apple events, etc.)
but can work with any system starting from 6.0.4.
System 7.0 or newer (7.1 recommended) is required to handle
non-Roman script systems properly.
Main changes from version 1.2:
* Better Script Manager support.
* Support for inline input in double-byte script systems
(yes, that means Style is KanjiTalk7 compatible and TSM-aware!)
* Ability to set print margins accurately.
* Various bug fixes.
This version supersedes all previous releases.
Suggested placement in the info-mac hierarchy: info-mac/text.
This archive was compressed and binhexed with StuffIt Lite 3.0.6.
#### BINHEX super-note-pad-121.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 92 01:51:42 PST
From: djung@futon.SFSU.EDU (David Jung)
Subject: Super NotePad 1.21
Latest version of a deluxe notepad replacement da.
#### BINHEX tcx-diff-10b1.hqx ****
From macmod Thu Sep 30 08:57:30 1993
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 20:35:30 EDT
From: tcwan@iitcsun7.med.miami.edu (T. C. Wan)
Subject: (Re)Sumbission of TCXdiff 1.0b1 [This is now a .sit file]
TCXdiff 1.0b1
[ TCXdiff requires System 7.x. ]
[ TCXdiff is ) Tat C. Wan, 1993. ]
[ Portions ) Symantec. Xdiff code modified from NCSA's sources. ]
[ This program is freeware. ]
>From the Readme file:
TCXdiff is a text file comparison utility which generates a difference (diff)
file for a given source file. The diff file can be used to update an older
version of the source file stored on another computer (normally, a Unix
machine). By transferring the much shorter diff file instead of the entire
source file, significant upload time can be saved. This is especially useful
for people who connect to Unix hosts using slow dial-up modems. Although the
primary focus of TCXdiff is for programmers who need to synchronize their
program files between their personal computer and a Unix host, it can be used
to update any other text file as well.
TCXdiff is based on the freeware program Xdiff written in August 1989 at the
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). You can obtain Xdiff
via anonymous ftp from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu. The Xdiff package is needed in
addition to TCXdiff since TCXdiff DOES NOT perform the updating per se, but
relies on xfix (part of the Xdiff package) to perform that task. Xfix was
written primarily for Unix hosts, I have not tried to compile it on other
TCXdiff is functionally equivalent to Xdiff. However, it adds the ability to
specify default folders and filenames (useful for batch processing), as well
as drag-and-drop file processing capabilities.
#### BINHEX te-fix.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 93 11:24:39 -0700
From: bronson@soda.berkeley.edu (Scott Bronson)
Subject: TEFix 1.0 Submission
TEFix fixes a cosmetic bug in TextEdit. Source code is included.
To see the type of bug that TEFix fixes, open a new, untitled document using
TeachText and type three lines of unbroken dashes. Use the mouse to place the
insertion point on the second line, then use the left arrow to back up to the
first line. Notice how the insertion point skips the last character on the
first line? That's one of the bugs that TEFix corrects.
TEFix cannot conflict with other extensions as long as it is loaded first.
For the memory-conscious, TEFix takes up 448 bytes of system heap space.
#### BINHEX teachtext-graphics.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 31 May 1993 02:45 EST
Subject: [*]teachtext-graphics.hqx
Thanks to all who helped me figure out how to paste PICT's into
TeachText documents. The authoritative reference on this is an
Apple Technical Note titled "The Compleat Guide to TeachText".
Here's a TeachText file I created that contains a few graphics
and explains simply how to incorporate them.
Incidentally, a few people suggested the xtnd translator for
TeachText. Although this worked fine for text, I could not get
it to either import or export graphics with WordPerfect 2.1.
#### BINHEX tex-edit-185.hqx ****
From "robc@netcom.com (Robert Cohen)" Sun Aug 22 00:21:55 1993
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 13:12:40 -0800
From: robc@netcom.com (Robert Cohen)
Subject: Re: Tex-Edit 1.8.5
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
2nd try!
by Tom Bender
Tex-Edit is a multi-window, styled text editor that includes a built-in
text reader. I keep a copy in my Apple menu and an alias on the desktop
(for drag-and-drop operations). Tex-Edit is fast, easy-to-use and requires
very little memory. It is particularly adept at formatting text which is
transmitted to and from a BBS. Tex-Edit 1.8.5 and its source code are
freely released to the public domain. (7/10/93)
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="Tex-Edit_1.8.5_.cpt"
#### BINHEX tex-edit-19.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1993 08:43:43 -0600 (CST)
From: Mark Nobles <THES2A3F@CL.UH.EDU>
Subject: [*] Tex-Edit 1.9.0 Submission
As requested by steve jaffe. The latest version 1.9 downloaded from AOL.
Tex-Edit is an excellent, free, text editor,
written by Tom Bender, with speech capability via the speech manager.
It allows you to style text, including color. Tex-Edit is fast,
easy-to-use and requires very little memory. It is particularly
adept at formatting text which is transmitted to and from a BBS.
I like it because it has the coolest icon of any program ever written.
After all these months of lurking, I finally get to contribute.
#### TEXT tex-latex-info.txt ****
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 93 12:37:03 EDT
From: Scott Kaplan <sfkaplan@cs.amherst.edu>
Subject: [*] TeX and LaTeX responses
Not long ago I requested any and all information that people could give me
about TeX and LaTeX possibilities on the Mac. I got a lot of responses, and
a bunch of requests to pass those responses on to the archives, as I guess
this is a FAQ. I've compiled here the more thorough answers...not that the
short answers weren't also very useful! Also, I have done some minor editing
to people's responses (just deletion of some lines) so that this is easier to
read, and so that I wasn't passing out infomation like telephone numbers which
these responders may not have wanted available to everyone. Better safe than
Many great thanks to those who responded. I am now playing with OzTeX and am
very happy with it's performance so far. I regret that I could not respond to
everyone who wrote with help, so a blanket thanks to all. I hope this is useful
to others.
Scott Kaplan
#### BINHEX tex-ref.hqx ****
From: mayer@idefix.seas.upenn.edu (Mike Mayer)
Subject: texref-10.cpt.hqx
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 20:08:56 EST
TeXRef probably belongs in either the text directory.
TeXRef is a tool which simplifies the process of adding references to a
manuscript for journal publication. Although the intended audience is
those who use TeX to typeset their papers, TeXRef may prove useful
to other, if they are willing to format their paper only after it is
completed. Shareware-$10.
#### BINHEX text-capture-21-fkey.hqx ****
From: walkerj@milo.math.scarolina.edu (Jim Walker)
Subject: Text Capture FKEY 2.1
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 92 1:03:37 EST
Organization: Department of Mathematics, Univ. of S. Carolina
This FKEY copies styled text from the front window to the clipboard.
It works in applications like THINK Reference 1.0 that do not support
normal copying, and can even copy static text from modal dialogs.
It could also be used to copy columns of text.
Since 2.0: Fixed a memory bug that caused occasional crashes.
Freeware by James W. Walker.
#### BINHEX text-editor-patches-131.hqx ****
From: walkerj@milo.math.scarolina.edu (Jim Walker)
Subject: Text Editor Patches, v. 1.3.1
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 93 21:38:32 EST
Organization: Department of Mathematics, Univ. of S. Carolina
TEP installs one-app patches. Unlike INITs,
they don't use RAM except when using the patched app.
Detailed instructions for use and a discussion of the function
of each patch is included in the online help function in the Patcher.
Patches include:
* Use the page up & page down keys in apps that don't handle them.
* Put the hot spot of HyperCard's text cursor in the normal place.
* Make unfriendly apps like AOL let you use system menus
even when a modal dialog is showing.
* A form of word wrap (e.g., for THINK C or BBEdit Lite).
* Type (), [], {} in matched pairs.
* Same for $$, for TeX.
* Common emacs keystrokes.
Not compatible with PopUpFuncs.
-- Jim Walker
#### TEXT text-editors.txt ****
Subject: Mac Text Editors Report
From: Yoram Ney <yoram@ibmpcug.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 93 21:22:41 BST
This is a better-late-then-never submission of the summary of replies to
my query about text editors for the Mac. I believe its natural place is
the /report directory.
---------------------------- Cut Here ------------------------------
The following text is a collection of all replies to my question about
available text editors for the Mac, posted on 17th March 93 on
comp.sys.mac.programmer, comp.sys.mac.oop.misc and comp.sys.mac.digest.
For the sake of saving archive disk space, quotings of my original question,
where not too firmly entrenched in the reply's text, were left out, as were
headers and signatures.
Also, as these replies were sent to my mailbox directly, (full) author
#### BINHEX text-press-11a.hqx ****
From "Santa Claus <ttak@midway.uchicago.edu>" Sun Sep 12 00:39:28 1993
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 93 19:50:35 CDT
From: Santa Claus <ttak@midway.uchicago.edu>
Subject: Text Press 1.1a [PLANET software]
The author of Text Press, StackPacker, Personal Bomb!, and Cloud Altitude
introduces two new applications, as well as two new updates...
The new applications:
* Informer - leave voice messages for your co-workers and/or roommates with
this fancy application. Includes voice synthesis, support for the new Speech
Manager, System 7 Savvy, System 6 compatible, and also makes your Macintosh
* At Peace - the utility which allows you to turn At Ease's sounds on and
off, as well as start At Ease without restarting, quit At Ease, and more!
The following two updated applications correct a minor bug in System 6's
MultiFinder that makes the splash screen appear behind other windows. The
fixed versions:
* Text Press 1.1a - a utility which converts TeachText documents between
editable (TEXT) and read-only (newspaper) formats. Useful to all Macintosh
users, especially developers.
* Cloud Altitude 3.0a - a dinky little program that calculates the altitude
and types of clouds for any day (even today).
* Look for:
* The Sound Studio - add sound effects to your video productions (not
associated with QuickTime).
* High quality e-mail for everyone.
* More to come...
#### BINHEX text-to-mac-12.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 93 17:18:18 GMT+0900
From: sumi@cuby.mis.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (SUMIYA Takahiro)
Subject: TextToMac 1.2
[TextToMac 1.2]
TextToMac converts the end-of-line code of text files between
Macintosh, MS-DOS, and UNIX formats.
Just drag & drop the file you want to convert to the TextToMac
icon. First, you set the default way conversion method for each
file type (from Macintosh/MS-DOS/UNIX to Macintosh/MS-DOS/UNIX).
When you drag & drop a file, the program recognizes its type
and, voila, you get the converted file.
Requires System 7.0.
% Takahiro Sumiya, Hiroshima Univ., JAPAN.
#### BINHEX text-trap.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 92 15:09:51 -0400
From: Jeffrey L. Needleman <5257779@MCIMAIL.com>
Subject: TextTrap.sit
TextTrap is freeware from Michael Budiansky of Pi Zero Software. It's a
flexible capture utility which allows you to save to disk any text written
to the Mac screen. Buttons allow you to toggle on or off the saving of text
written by DrawText, DrawJust, DrawString, and DrawChar commands.
Don't confuse this with usual capture utilities which save a screen at a
time. You can set this control panel running and capture a whole session of
communication with a mainframe, for example, without having to copy and
paste each screen. You can also capture help files from programs that do
not allow them to be printed or selected for copy/paste.
I have one fancy program for IBM 3278 emulation while connected with a
mainframe. It has its own capture utility for the session--but the opened
captured session is virtually unreadable, filled with color and graphic
escape sequences. This utility provides a readable copy of such sessions.
Jeff Needleman <JNeedleman@MCIMail.com>
#### BINHEX thunder7-15-to-152-updt.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1992 17:47:25 -0500
From: kkirksey@world.std.com (Ken B Kirksey)
Subject: Thunder7 1.5.2 Patch Kit
This patch kit updates the Thunder7 CDEV and Thunder7 utility from version
1.5 or 1.5.1 to version 1.5.2. It is recommended for ALL Thunder7 users.
Bug Fixes and Such:
+ Fix problem where PageMaker complains about import/export filters.
+ Fix problem with non-loading at startup time on SEs and Pluses.
+ Fix problem creating Ghostwriter files for windows that have titles > 31 characters.
+ Fix hang with Launcher Control Panel that comes with the Performa System software (7.0.1P and 7.1P).
+ Recompile thesaurus code with THINK C 5.0.4.
+ Redraw progress dialog after prompts in some Selection Modules.
#### TEXT undigest-unix.txt ****
From: #66 Andrew Brandt <brandt@cs.unc.edu>
Subject: [*] "undigest" for Unix mail
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1993 12:01:52 -0400 (EDT)
This perl script runs on Unix systems. It is useful for parsing
digest email. For example, from inside elm (the Unix mail program)
simply pipe a message thru "undigest".
"Undigest" will break all the messages inside the digest into
individual messages and display them. It does not alter the original
message, it makes a copy.
I did not write this, I just use it.
I guess this should show up in the Unix dir.
-Andy (brandt@cs.unc.edu)
================ cut here, Unix perl script below =================
#### BINHEX usen-edit-111.hqx ****
From: evs1@cornell.edu (Erik Schwiebert)
Subject: UsenEdit v1.1.1
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 19:30:46 -0500
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
UsenEdit v1.1.1 (thats /Yooz' ned it/) is a very small, very fast text
editor. It was written to cooperate with Peter Speck's Nuntius newsreader,
especially in low-memory situations.
Up to 3 files of 32k each open at the same time;
Takes only 50k of RAM to operate;
Full Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo support, including F1-F4 on extended kybds.;
Stationary documents for all those various .sigs;
Email-ware, no $$$!;
AppleEvent aware (sorry, no AppleScript);
Wordwrap at specified boundary (without <RETURN>'s!)
50k free RAM;
System 7.0 or later;
All you do is send me email saying where you found UsenEdit, what you
think of it, and what you would like to see in future versions!
Modifications and fixes since v1.1:
Misc code removed to make program smaller;
Save made default button in Preferences;
Bug fix in window placement;
Bug fix in Save As;
Bug fix in Print.
Enjoy, and have fun posting! ttyl, erik
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="UsenEdit-111.hqx"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="UsenEdit-111.hqx"
#### TEXT word-50-info.txt ****
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 91 18:52:04 EST
From: "Dieder B." <UOG11228@vm.uoguelph.ca>
Subject: Word 5.0 Announcement
This was forwarded to me in response to a request for info
about the product announcement:
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 91 18:36 EST
Subject: Word 5 Announcement
For more information contact:
Microsoft Corporation For Release 12:00 p.m. PST
Sarah Charf November 14, 1991
(206) 882-8080
Waggener Edstrom
Gaby Adam or Russ Dorr
(206) 637-9097
#### BINHEX word-counter-hc.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 11 May 92 06:47:03 PDT
From: "Peter Jorgensen" <PJORGENSEN%COLGATEU.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Word Counter Stack
Received: from COLGATEU.BITNET by COLGATEU.BITNET (PMDF #12539) id
Date: Mon, 11 May 1992 09:51 EDT
Subject: Word Counter Stack
To: infomac: ;
X-Envelope-to: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
X-VMS-To: IN%"infomac"
Here's a very simple stack that counts the unique words in text files. It
creates a list of words and their frequencies for each file. It can process
files in "batch" mode. It ignores stop words as defined by a list on the first
card. It's not too fast, especially on older Macs, but it does the job and can
be customized.
This is freeware, copyright 1992 - Interactive Publishing, all rights
reserved. You may distribute this stack for free. You may not include it in
any commercial offering without prior written consent of the copyright owner,
Interactive Publishing, PO Box 325, Hamilton, NY 13346.
Peter Jorgensen: User Services/VAX/Mac/DOS Consultant, PostMaster, PMDF guru
PJORGENSEN@COLGATEU.BITNET Colgate University - 315-824-7742
#### TEXT word-finder-with-sys7.txt ****
17-Nov-91 12:57:53-GMT,1376;000000000001
Return-Path: <zxmli01@mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>
Received: from sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
id AA04664; Sun, 17 Nov 91 04:57:53 PST
Received: from mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de ([]) by sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU (4.0/inc-1.0)
id AA20062; Sun, 17 Nov 91 04:57:48 PST
Received: by mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de (4.1/ZDV-Uni-Tuebingen-1.0 )
id AA17972; Sun, 17 Nov 91 13:56:31 +0100
From: zxmli01@mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de (Andreas Lietz)
Message-Id: <9111171256.AA17972@mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de >
Subject: Word Finder under Sys 7
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu (Info-Mac articles)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 91 13:56:30 MET
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL2]
Hello netters,
thanks for your instant replies to my question about WordFinder under
System 7. The easiest way is to get yourself the new Font/DA-mover
version 4.1 and to move WordFinder right into the Word program by holding
#### BINHEX word-index.hqx ****
From: Dieder A. Bylsma <bylsma@unixg.ubc.ca>
Subject: WordIndex init
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 92 13:42:56 PDT
Another goodie pulled from a local bbs:
WordIndex is a cdev/INIT tool that provides indexation on
the fly to Microsoft Word users. By providing list of words
to be indexed (and an optional shortcut, so it is also
replacing the Glossar user is able to type his
text without worrying about indexing words, the tool will
insert the .i. code on the fly (as invisible text) when
detecting specified index entries. It is also possible to
specify style variation to insert .ii., .ib. and .ibi.
codes. Words can be grouped into lists, each list can be
activated separetely, the indexation can be globally
desactivated (only the macro feature remains). The tool can
be globally desactivitaed from the Control Panel without
rebooting. The macro feature works with any text editor. To
make sure that the .i. code is turned into hidden text make
sure that the command+shift+v shortcut is assigned to the
Hidden text command. (The Hidden text command must be
installed in a Word menu).
I'm not the author, just posting it!
#### BINHEX word-perfect-tips.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1993 15:03:24 EST
From: "Paul D. Bain" <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu>
Subject: wp-tips.hqx
This is a 12-page WordPerfect document that contains a collection
of tips and tricks for using WordPerfect 2.1. It is in question
and answer format.
This file needs WordPerfect 2.1
The author is WordPerfect Corporation.
(This BinHex file created by DownLine 1.1)
#### BINHEX word-perfect-to-word-20.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 28 May 1993 00:29:23 -0500
From: tonyh@msc.cornell.edu (Tony Huang)
Subject: [*] Microsoft Word 5.x WordPerfect 2.0 Converter
This is Microsoft's own WordPerfect 2.0 file translater for Word 5.x. Just
drop it in the "Word Commands" folder.
Tony Huang